Credit NUinIowafan for Tomorrow' s Moose Mojo in our Opening Season Game against the Redhawks


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Gold Member
Dec 29, 2005
After reading Lou's Fearless Projection, we are going to need all the help we can get. The karma of Moose Sighting's have arguably got us over the edge in the past, so let's hope for a repeat.

NUinIowafan is just back from a trip to Alaska where he had multiple Moose Sightings as reported on the below linked thread:

Quoting from NUinIowafan's today's posting:

"Saw moose in Alaska! On way to Denali saw mother with calf running in field
Alongside train. Saw mother and calf on way back from Denali Park tundra wilderness tour. Saw grizzly sow and cubs caribou and far away dots of dall sheep! Also saw a moose in Anchorage hanging out by Earthquake Park! We all loved visiting Alaska!"

Link to the full thread:

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Credit where credit is due. Thanks to NUinIowafan for bringing the Moose Karma to tip the scales for today's close win.

Oh, and kudos to Fitzgerald for sealing the win.
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