Despite snow here, "Real Feel" Weather warmer in Alaska than in Evanston


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Gold Member
Dec 29, 2005
Curious as to the projected game day weather Saturday for our game with the Gophers, I came across the following comparison:

Accuweather has an interesting feature where they report both the thermometer reading as well as the "Real Feel" temperature. As I post they are currently reporting for Evanston, Illinois 53 degrees F with a "Real Feel" of 43 degrees F. Compare that to Anchorage, Alaska where the reported temperature is 43 degrees F with a "Real Feel" of 47 degrees F. It was actually comfortable enough to drive with the car top down during the day when the ambient temperature was 44 degrees F.

Saturday's projected "Real Feel" for the game in Evanston is 54 degrees F with actual temperature of 59 degrees F.

So today it feels warmer here in Anchorage, Alaska than it does in Evanston, Illinois. This despite the fact that we had snow yesterday, (While it is no longer on the streets and driveways, it still covers the grass as seen in this view from my front yard raspberry patch snapped while on Mojo Moose recon earlier today.)

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The winds have come with gusts expected upwards of 40-60 mph. Almost mirroring what is happening in Evanston with up to 30 mph winds expected at Ryan Field Saturday. Here, snow on the lawn has been replaced by wind blown leaves.



How did your recon turn out? Did you see the big girl?

Looks like the Cats will have to rely upon the Alaska Karma being blown by the winds into Evanston for tomorrow's win. I suspect the Mojo Moose must be still sulking about EvanstonCat's loss of faith in her karma though the Moose appearances for our first three games stood us in good stead, not to mention the trifecta appearance of the Bull, Cow and a Calf Mojo Moose the day before our game with Stanford.


That said, I did locate this week a good omen as reported on this linked thread referencing the simultaneous appearance on BTN of the Northwestern football library selections at the same time as the leaderboard line below reported Anthony Walker's tackling numbers to date.



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Looks like the Alaska Karma came through even if for this week it was blown in on a stiff wind. Somehow I think we might need the Moose to step up for next week. The Michigan game looms huge, uh I almost forgot they have Moose in Michigan too so lets just hope practices go well and the team is well prepared.

The Pickle Boat is about to sail:

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The Pickle Boat is about to sail:

I wonder if Sig Hansen has ever heard of Northwestern University? He has always seemed to me the most intellectual of the DEADLIEST CATCH captains, although I don't think any of them have been through college.

In the off-season, I know he docks his boat in Ballard, just a short distance down the Ship Canal from where the U. of Washington keeps its research ship, TOMMY THOMPSON.

Also, I rather doubt that adding pickles to the hold of a crab boat would be a very tasty combination. YUCK! ;)