Time for a does of reality:
- There is no excess land surrounding WRA. Where exactly would you relocate baseball and/or softball?
- The arena will not be smaller, as the footprint will be essentially the same (except for what seem to be four minor expansions to accomodate stairwells, etc.).
- The overall plan is to create a "pit" atmosphere.
I am pretty sure that relocating a softball field is a solvable problem. Without going too far I know that multipurpose fields adapted for baseball/softball use do exist.
Furthermore, parking space could be used, and the lost parking spots be replaced with underground parking. Or they may be able to "redraw" the softball field (move it some feet), so that it remains but not exactly where it is. Obviously no one is suggesting that a new arena occupies the entire softball field plus the land of the current one.
Furthermore, it has been pointed out NUMEROUS times, based on the cost of the new DP arena, that a brand new small arena (about 6,500 seats) could be built with the same money NU is spending renovating a 64-y.o. building. Do simple math.
The renovation cannot be justified, in any case. Either build a brand new small arena (with similar capacity as the renovated one) with the money available, or spend a bit more for an arena that seats not less than the current one, preferably a bit more. In any case, do NOT spend $110MM renovating a 64-y.o. building.