Drew Peterson decommits from Minnesota

This transfer business is already getting comical. He just committed there, like, fifteen minutes ago! I get the argument for kids' ability to find the best situations for themselves, but at some point it crosses over into absurdity.
I think you nailed it....these are kids, making decisions isn't always easy for them......
And, frankly, being asked where you’re going all the time, and getting called and texted by both recruiters and reporters all the time, must be some level of annoying.

Announcing a commitment ends much of it, I’d imagine.
At first, Drew saw Minnesota as a barrel full possibilities. Very quickly, the contents of that barrel changed.
Worse for just about everything. I’m sure you’re super excited to see SEC recruits get paid millions of dollars (through “endorsements”). And the little guys (Cinderella schools)? Forget about ‘em.
And how is this different from today? The SEC schools dominate the NFL draft every year. Name programs get name recruits. This is just capitalism at its best, the athletes who can profit from their NIL finally get a chance to. No more Socialist keeping the masses down! Free enterprise reigns!!!
Worse for team cohesion.
Maybe it is for the best. Forces kids to grow up and realize that life isn't fair. They all get the same scholarship dollars, eat the same training table food, and get to use Taj Fitz. But some are more equal than others and get some jingle in their pockets. That's the real world. Grow up, kiddies!!!
And how is this different from today? The SEC schools dominate the NFL draft every year.

Imagine what the SEC does times a thousand, no boundaries, no limits. Oh, and there are plenty of leagues that use capitalism. It’s called professional sports. There’s leagues everywhere.

Collegiate athletics are not professional sports.
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And it's likely gonna get worse with players being paid for endorsements, autographs, etc.
It’s only going to get worse for teams who can’t fill stands and generate valuable “name image and likeness” opportunities. They’ll just slip lower and lower in the pecking order.
It’s only going to get worse for teams who can’t fill stands and generate valuable “name image and likeness” opportunities. They’ll just slip lower and lower in the pecking order.

Which is what...roughly 80% to 85% of all D1 teams. Sounds awesome!
Which is what...roughly 80% to 85% of all D1 teams. Sounds awesome!
Off the top of my head, I’d say most P5 programs won’t really be impacted. Certainly bad news for mid major teams and P5 programs that don’t have a lot of fan interest. But admittedly, everyone is guessing here. Either way, I think it’s progress and a net positive.
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Off the top of my head, I’d say most P5 programs won’t really be impacted. Certainly bad news for mid major teams and P5 programs that don’t have a lot of fan interest. But admittedly, everyone is guessing here. Either way, I think it’s progress and a net positive.

What about it is progress?
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What about it is progress?
Some D1 college football or basketball player generate substantially more value for the NCAA, conference, university, and coach than their “compensation” (scholarship, etc.) is worth. The amount of legal “compensation” they can receive is capped by archaic policies. This is to the detriment of those individuals. I think any rule change that gives players a reasonable chance to be improve the legal compensation they can receive for their talent is progress.

FWIW, The one time transfer rule should have been voted in as well. If coaches can leave at any point without being forced to sit out, athletes should too. Enacting this rule would have also been progress towards a more equitable relationship for the student athletes.
Imagine what the SEC does times a thousand, no boundaries, no limits. Oh, and there are plenty of leagues that use capitalism. It’s called professional sports. There’s leagues everywhere.

Collegiate athletics are not professional sports.
The P5 is professional football without the players getting paid. TV made this. The schools, conferences and coaches gleefully have their hands out and say more more more.

The idea that all P5 teams have a shot at the playoffs is ludicrous. It’s the same 8 teams with a shot each and every year. How will that suddenly be less competitive with sponsors?
Some D1 college football or basketball player generate substantially more value for the NCAA, conference, university, and coach than their “compensation” (scholarship, etc.) is worth. The amount of legal “compensation” they can receive is capped by archaic policies. This is to the detriment of those individuals.

Nobody is forcing them to play college athletics. If they want to get paid, go play professional ball. Why ruin the amateur game? Or...if they feel they’re being taken advantage of, play small college ball where the school loses revenue from sports every year.
No it isn’t. It’s amateur athletics. It’s not the fault of the schools that collegiate sports are popular. Nobody is forcing players to play collegiate sports.
Well, this is de facto false. The NFL is not allowed to draft players out of HS. The players union negotiated this and owners of course love getting a “free” minor league system. The Schools love it because of the money the Programs make. Please explain to me the great options the number 1 recruit in the nation has besides the ability to select almost any college he wants to attend to expand his football skills. He sure as heck isn’t going there to get a degree in anything other than football. Know what, the player doesn’t care, the Coaches don’t care and the Alumni don’t care. The Head Football Coach makes more money than the Governor. Everyone makes money except the people doing the manual labor.
Well, this is de facto false. The NFL is not allowed to draft players out of HS. The players union negotiated this and owners of course love getting a “free” minor league system.

The universities are responsible because the NFL players union voted a certain way!? I don’t follow...

Please explain to me the great options the number 1 recruit in the nation has besides the ability to select almost any college he wants to attend to expand his football skills. He sure as heck isn’t going there to get a degree in anything other than football.

It’s like a student who goes to college majoring in science or education. College is meant to be the education/training before the professional world. EXCEPT, for sports, there actually are professional leagues available if one chooses not to attend college.
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The universities are responsible because the NFL players union voted a certain way!? I don’t follow...

It’s like a student who goes to college majoring in science or education. College is meant to be the education/training before the professional world. EXCEPT, for sports, there actually are professional leagues available if one chooses not to attend college.

The average athlete (NBA, NFL) will have to retire by their early thirties, as they age out of their athletic peak (or earlier if they suffer injuries). They do not have the same career longevity that an engineer or educator has; forcing them to play in college for free robs them of some of their most valuable earning years.

Either way, arguing against allowing the players to have an opportunity to earn some money off of their talent makes you seem like a curmudgeon, doesn’t it? This isn’t an unfair rule forcing colleges to pay them a salary, it’s simply letting a player make money off of their own name, image, and likeness. I’m surprised this is really so unpalatable.
The universities are responsible because the NFL players union voted a certain way!? I don’t follow...

It’s like a student who goes to college majoring in science or education. College is meant to be the education/training before the professional world. EXCEPT, for sports, there actually are professional leagues available if one chooses not to attend college.
I am not sure how to be clearer. There is NOT a REAL professional option for Elite HS players in either Football or Basketball. Overseas for basketball is tough on a 18 year old. Not an option for many. Football, give me a break. The minor leagues is the cash cow called the NCAA.

The term student athlete is a joke at many places. These elite players are in college to get better and prepare for the NFL. Most aren’t going to enter any professional world other that the league. Trevor Lawrence degree is in football. Sorry, but it probably doesn’t make a lot of difference what classes he takes. Why do you think every school has different admission standards for athletes?
I am not sure how to be clearer. There is NOT a REAL professional option for Elite HS players in either Football or Basketball. Overseas for basketball is tough on a 18 year old. Not an option for many.

But I ask again, why is that the fault of the universities? They aren’t responsible for what professional options are out there. If these players don’t want to attend college, go to some low paying pro league (which do exist). Or someone should try to create a legit minor league like MLB has. Why are we putting this on the shoulders of collegiate sports?
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Either way, arguing against allowing the players to have an opportunity to earn some money off of their talent makes you seem like a curmudgeon, doesn’t it?

Perhaps it does...if that’s who someone is that’s trying to preserve what little integrity D1 college has left. When endorsements kick in...forget it. Non-P5 schools (and some P5 schools as well) will be done competing. They’ll be forced out. I guess that’s ultimately what the P5 wants?
But I ask again, why is that the fault of the universities? They aren’t responsible for what professional options are out there. If these players don’t want to attend college, go to some low paying pro league (which do exist). Or someone should try to create a legit minor league like MLB has. Why are we putting this on the shoulders of collegiate sports?
What is being put on the schools? It’s no difference to them or their bottom line.
What is being put on the schools? It’s no difference to them or their bottom line.

Maybe I should rephrase that to the “landscape of college athletics”. It is certainly a massive deal to the bottom line of a large majority of D1 schools that will be left in the dust.
Maybe I should rephrase that to the “landscape of college athletics”. It is certainly a massive deal to the bottom line of a large majority of D1 schools that will be left in the dust.
95 percent of the schools are already left in the dust. There are only 5 percent of the schools that have a realistic chance to win a championship. That’s not going to change. So why not let athletes make money off their own image and likeness — at no expense to the schools?
But I ask again, why is that the fault of the universities? They aren’t responsible for what professional options are out there. If these players don’t want to attend college, go to some low paying pro league (which do exist). Or someone should try to create a legit minor league like MLB has. Why are we putting this on the shoulders of collegiate sports?

The vast majority of MiLB teams lose money, that's why you (probably) heard about MLB wanting to contract about ~40 organizations

It's far from an imperfect system but like the other poster said, the NFL has a totally free minor league system right now and it ain't changing unless college football ceases to exist
95 percent of the schools are already left in the dust.

I don’t agree. And who doesn’t love the Cinderella Final Four appearance? VCU has a great thing going...and this endorsement situation (which, let’s be real, will be abused/faked to the maximum), will eliminate all progress they (and schools like them) have made. It will truly be a 25 to 30 team professional league. I guess if that’s what people want....but I certainly don’t.
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The vast majority of MiLB teams lose money, that's why you (probably) heard about MLB wanting to contract about ~40 organizations

It's far from an imperfect system but like the other poster said, the NFL has a totally free minor league system right now and it ain't changing unless college football ceases to exist

I understand that. But I still don’t see how that falls on the responsibility of amateur sports just because it’s popular. People like what they like.
The universities are responsible because the NFL players union voted a certain way!? I don’t follow...

It’s like a student who goes to college majoring in science or education. College is meant to be the education/training before the professional world. EXCEPT, for sports, there actually are professional leagues available if one chooses not to attend college.
Really? Where are they and won't do they pay???
I understand that. But I still don’t see how that falls on the responsibility of amateur sports just because it’s popular. People like what they like.

Just the way the cookie crumbled. With all of the money that it makes, I don't see it changing either. Is it wrong? Probably. But it is what it is

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