Encouraging to say the least

This isn't an either/or situation. Everybody needs to re-visit and improve all aspects of the program and their individual performance/contributions. I've been harsh on Fitz and some of his coaches as well. Especially on the recruiting front.

OK, I can add to this. I almost never name a player, but, for example, particular 5-year defensive players and special teams players just ruined an already shaky team. This was a thin-ice proposition to begin with, losing Hank and a bunch of NFL talent, and the coaching did nothing whilst Rome burned; but a couple of gaping holes - chasms, really - in this team just sucked the life out of them. I do hold players accountable, even if not naming them. OTOH, what harm would have been for the coaches to replace those struggling players with, well, anyone else on the roster? Especially as the season was clearly lost, why trot out these guys? And why only certain positions? GHP had clear problems holding onto the ball, so he gets benched. Marty and Hilinski played musical chairs. Others play poorly again and again and again and...keep playing. How is that NOT on the coaches?
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