Game Thread: Northwestern vs. Montana State

This Montana State team isn’t dumb. They are flailing about, selling foul calls, and they will soon be in the bonus with a lot of time left.

Buckle up.
Great block from Nicholson (with Mullins there to help alter the Montana State recovery). That's why he's out there. Just don't want to see a hack-a-Matt strategy though.
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Why do these crummy little teams have better shooters than us?
When players play like trash, they deserve criticism. When they play well, praise. When the team can’t put away Montana f-ing State, there shouldn’t be a lot of excitement in this thread.

And a nice block by Nicholson. Now wake up big fella.
I recognize your ability to say something I disagree with.
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Huge defensive possession. Great rotation from Matt, and then we rush a shot, and then a poor defensive possession.

Cmon guys.
The defensive rotations tonight have been so terrible, they keep making that skip pass across and we have yet to figure it out tonight.
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Only hoop. Just like the last two years. This time BB to Nicholson. Now common D.
Okay let’s not rotate and give them an open three here and hope they miss to end it.