Hey, Glades.....


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Gold Member
Mar 8, 2016
North Carolina
The King of Bhutan went to your Alma Mater....

"There is little linear about this Millers' Tale and so let us begin it with that day the boys met the reigning Druk Gyalpo, the Dragon King of the Kingdom of Bhutan.That South Asia country, located in the Eastern Himalayas, is the homeland of their mother Yeshey, and they were there on a visit some three years ago. The family was at a hotel outside the capital city of Thimphu when their father walked in and said, "I think the king is out there."

"We're like, 'Right,'" recalls Samdup Miller, the Wildcats' first-year defensive end. "Then we go out there and see him."

"You recognize him by these really nice white boots he wears. They're really fancy," adds Alex Miller, his older brother and the 'Cats' defensive tackle. "My dad was walking around and saw this guy standing out there with these nice boots and thought, 'That looks like the king,'"

"So we waited for him," Samdup goes on. "Got a picture with him. Talked for about 15 minutes."

"He's a really nice guy," Alex concludes.

Any football talk between them?

"A little bit," Alex says. "He went to college, actually, in Massachusetts, I think."

Actually that king, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, went to prep school in Massachusetts and then attended Wheaton College just west of Chicago. Still, in their family home, there is that framed picture of the boys with him. Alex, though still a junior in high school, is decked out in Northwestern gear."
Have that king and Glades ever been seen in the same room together? Just sayin' . . . ;)
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Fake news! Skip blew it!

The King of Bhutan attended THE OTHER Wheaton College in Norton, Massachusetts. He's listed as one of their "notable alumni" in Wikipedia.
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