Hot Seats


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2013
Sumlin is pretty much gone.

Malzahn is definitely on the ropes. He made his name on offense and a distinctly unimpressive victory over Mercer after the offensive showing against Clemson does not bode well.


If Orgeron loses against either Ole Miss or Arkansas, his seat will be getting warm before he even gets settled in.

Hottest Seat? Tennessee D.C. Bob Shoops. Another likely mid-season casualty.
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I don't think the term "Hot Seat" applies here, but Snyder at Kansas State, who already retired once, is now 77 years old. Have to imagine this is one of his last years.
The Badgers lucked out when Anderson took off. His only win was a narrow escape against Portland State. Oregon State may go 1-11.
The defensive call on that UT loss was pretty egregious.
I have looked at that play a few times now. It almost looked like they had the two deep Florida receivers in man-to-man. I have no idea what defense they had on the field and what they had called but it did not look like a deep zone which is the norm. Jones said they were in a nickel defense because they did not have enough healthy secondary to be in a dime. But that does not change the fact that there seemed to be two defenders and two receivers running into the end zone. Something was messed up in that play call.

Also... The last four games before Florida against P5 competition, Tennessee's opponents have averaged something like 650 yards of offense per game.

Tennessee fans are not like NU fans. They want to see the DC fired now (except for those that want Jones fired now).
Think Riley gets more time unless a complete melt down.

Early P5 hot seat:

Sumlin A&M
Davis- Tenn
Anderson -OSU

People in Lincoln aren't thrilled with Riley either. My sister-in-laws and her family are diehard Nebraska Fans from their great years. Tthere's a lynch mob forming.
People in Lincoln aren't thrilled with Riley either. My sister-in-laws and her family are diehard Nebraska Fans from their great years. Tthere's a lynch mob forming.

Zero chance Riley gets fired, imo, unless the AD is fired. He and Riley are joined at the hip.
Don't bet on it, the heavy donors want blood. Pressure is on the AD. However, I do understand they're attached at the hip.

Speaks to the delusion of fanbases sometimes. Some were saying Tanner Lee was a Heisman candidate, when the reality of anyone sane was that Nebby would struggle after losing a senior QB who was one of their best in favor of a Tulane (Tulane!) QB...

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