How Schill is changing the face of NU

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I don't know how many more times you want to go around and around on this. It seems to me we have already done it so much that everyone should be getting dizzy.

My opinions are based the content of the article that was in the latest Northwestern Magazine. This is at least the third time, maybe even the fourth or fifth, that I have said that.

You can read the article and form your own opinions. Mine have been expressed here very adequately. Yours might be different and that is fine.
Your have offered no reason for your opinions. Writing without description is often described as vague.
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You wrote this:

The university itself via the president is now in the business of dealing with a number of controversial issues. Some here might like that involvement, but others like me may feel it is well beyond what the university should be doing.

I have no idea what controversial issues the president is involved in, nor what new stances NU has taken in the past year. This strikes me as very vague.

You also wrote this:
But that’s entirely different with Schill. I believe that he sees us, again the university, as a tool that he can use to promote his personal agenda.

However, upon further questioning, I do not see that you have explained what that personal agenda is, nor how he is using Northwestern.
I don't know how many more times you want to go around and around on this. It seems to me we have already done it so much that everyone should be getting dizzy.

My opinions are based the content of the article that was in the latest Northwestern Magazine. This is at least the third time, maybe even the fourth or fifth, that I have said that.

You can read the article and form your own opinions. Mine have been expressed here very adequately. Yours might be different and that is fine.
I found this on the Internet.

"An opinion is a personal view, belief, or judgment about something. It is not always necessary to have a reason for an opinion, as opinions are often based on personal experiences, emotions, or values. However, if you are trying to persuade someone to agree with your opinion, it is important to provide reasons and evidence to support your argument."

And since I'm not trying to persuade anyone to agree with me it's not really necessary to provide any reasons or evidence to support my position. It's just my opinion.
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You can find examples in the Northwestern Magazine article that I referenced earlier.

But I'm afraid that you completely misunderstood my comment about Schill's reference to the theater and journalism schools.

He made the claim that ... "He also plans to bolster the University’s position in the creative and performing arts."

My point is that our position in the creative and performing arts is already at the premier level. Our theater school is arguable the best in the country. Or at least tied with one or two others. As is also the case with the journalism school.

So exactly what does he think makes him so smart that he can exceed the performance of his predecessors. Rather than giving them the credit they deserve I see this comment as a slap in the face to them.
Sorry but it is constantly necessary to keep pushing to advance and get better. There is a saying we used in an organization I was in. "If you are not growing, you are dying" Just because a particular program is doing well does not mean that there is not room for improvement and if that is not addressed you will start to slide
I found this on the Internet.

"An opinion is a personal view, belief, or judgment about something. It is not always necessary to have a reason for an opinion, as opinions are often based on personal experiences, emotions, or values. However, if you are trying to persuade someone to agree with your opinion, it is important to provide reasons and evidence to support your argument."

And since I'm not trying to persuade anyone to agree with me it's not really necessary to provide any reasons or evidence to support my position. It's just my opinion.
Jesus, dude. 99% of people on here want to agree with you that the guy sucks and should go. And, yet you are looking up the definition of opinion on the internet? Maybe time to do some self-reflection.
Read the article.

This is about Schill's personal agenda and not something that NU as institution is promoting as would be the case if the BOT was behind it.
You are the one that is taking issue with his position on things. It is up to you to point them out.

Look, I am not a Schill supporter. I feel he handled things terribly. I feel his actions will cost NU a LOT of money in lost revenues, lawsuit settlements and lost donations. But those are specific things and reasons for moving on from him. People here would like to support your view point. . All we are asking is that when you are making accusations like you are point them out and back them up specifically. If we don't we are as bad as the other side just throwing out accusations with no basis which is how we find ourselves in the mess we are in.

At the 50th reunion dinner Schill put in an appearance. Made a short speech and went out and greeted people. Even shook my hand. I, for one, am not saying he is a bad man. But I can say that he handled things very poorly, will cost NU a lot on the athletic front and his actions will cost NU dearly. And for that reason, he needs to go.

We want to be able to agree with you but you need to back it up. And it is a fairly big number of people that are telling you basically the same thing
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Well, I've expressed my opinion on Schill multiple times in several different posts here.

My interpretation of the Northwestern Magazine article is that it paints a picture of Schill as someone who will now do all sorts of things that needed to be done and were not taken care of by his predecessors very well. That's how I read the article, but you and others may interpret it differently.

I really see no point in going back and forth over and over again on this subject. Opinions are not likely to change.
Again it is an opinion and as you know, opinions are like a******s . Everyone has one. If you want support, back it up
Again it is an opinion and as you know, opinions are like a******s . Everyone has one. If you want support, back it up
I gave an opinion and I really don't care if anyone else agrees, disagrees, supports it, doesn't support it, ignores it or does anything else.

However, according to UpsetAlert's post 99% of the people here already agree with me. Nevertheless for some mysterious reason I have to be the one to somehow turn that opinion, which has essentially universal agreement, into a statement of fact.

None of this makes any sense and I see no need to try to prove to people what they already believe.

We can keep going around and around on this as much as everybody wants, but I think it has turned into a huge waste of everyones time.
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However, according to UpsetAlert's post 99% of the people here already agree with me. Nevertheless for some mysterious reason I have to be the one to somehow turn that opinion, which has essentially universal agreement, into a statement of fact.
Not exactly. 99% of people on here agree he did a terrible job handling the hazing scandal and the Fitz punishment. For that reason, almost of all of us feel he is not fit to hold such an important leadership position. But that's not what you are complaining about here (or at least not the only thing).

You said, "As I recall the article was praising Schill for all of his new, progressive policies while implying that Morty fell short of what he could have done." That, and your line about Schill's "personal agenda" is what many of us are not seeing. You have provided no evidence or description of what this "personal agenda" is other than "see the article." Others have gone through it and are asking you what parts are so objectionable.

My suspicion is you found a few descriptors in the article that rubbed you the wrong way and so you created a story in your head that allowed you to really hate this guy. We seem to live in a world where we now create these two-dimensional villains out of people we think disagree with us politically and to me, it sure seems like you want to turn Schill into a supervillain, not only because of how he handled the football situation, but also... god forbid... he may be a liberal!!! What could be worse!??!

From that article, I really don't know anything more about Schill's political leanings, nor do I really care. I think he should be fired because of the cowardly way he handled the summer crisis. Whether you're a fire-breathing conservative or a bleeding heart liberal, leaders face moments of crisis where we get to see their true character. In my opinion, Schill failed this moment. That's true whether he votes like me in November or not.
I gave an opinion and I really don't care if anyone else agrees, disagrees, supports it, doesn't support it, ignores it or does anything else.

However, according to UpsetAlert's post 99% of the people here already agree with me. Nevertheless for some mysterious reason I have to be the one to somehow turn that opinion, which has essentially universal agreement, into a statement of fact.

None of this makes any sense and I see no need to try to prove to people what they already believe.

We can keep going around and around on this as much as everybody wants, but I think it has turned into a huge waste of everyones time.
Mostly, message boards are for sharing opinions, perhaps trying to convince others, and maybe arguing about things.

Apparently, you wished to post your opinion without engaging in a discussion.

Perhaps consider printing out your initial entry here and posting it on some administrative buildings at NU.
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