For years, fans on this site talked about the need for a new stadium and now that we are getting one, it seems to be filled with complaints before the thing is even half finished. Why don't we just wait and see how it all turns out.
But we are not talking the casual single game fan who is always at the mercy of what is available (and it is available at MN but not really at NU) and instead more talking ST holders, The point is that at MN, the spaces are avaialble. Thousands of spots for a stadium (about 40% larger than what the new NU stadim will be) I have been to that stadium a couple times and was always able to work things out. At NU they really are not. NU has some spaces (1350) that are next to the stadium and tailgateable and while they used to have the intermediate spots (golf lots) they no longer really do.
You should go look up how much people have to pay in donations and per-game prices to get those spots.
The stadium is 3 blocks from two different train stations, ffs.
I knew it had crept up but it was originally about $400m so I used $450m. Regardless it is no where even close to the $1 B that CSC suggested. And the point is that NU has not really adequately addressed the parkingThe Ryans’ price tag has crept up at least $100MM from initial reports, driven by both anticipated cost overruns and paying all the “other stuff” that it took to get final permits/approvals — funding to the city of Evanston, etc. They’re putting up a whole boatload of cash.
So, really it again boils down to this: Pay up or expect to walk/ride for a bit. The days of super cheap premium parking are done. It is what it is.
I knew it had crept up but it was originally about $400m so I used $450m. Regardless it is no where even close to the $1 B that CSC suggested. And the point is that NU has not really adequately addressed the parking
You were more willing to do the work than m3 XDThat was easy… $2,500 minimum donation for the West Lot and East Lot equivalents, >$1,000 for the next “level” beyond that:
Note that that’s the minimum and I would imagine there’s a “reverse auction” of some type where higher donations get priority.
I’ve said it a number of times: NU fans have literally no idea how cheap NU football has been for years.
Did you actually watch the video? Any donation for any purpose counts. For example the $750 of the money I pay to be able to buy my season BB tickets would count toward requirements for FB parking pass Same would be true of anything associated with FB tickets donation requirements or any other donations. And the parking itself is pretty cheap at $140 for a zone two pass and $175 for a zone one pass. Over $3100 of my FB tickets this year would count so I would already be able to by a zone 1 pass with no additional donations even with only two FB tickets it would only require less than a $150 donation, considering I habe BB tickets. It would seem that their would be a lot of ways to offset required donations to get into the prime lots, The point is that the spaces are available for a reasonable price to anyone who already has bought season tickets, Even to the single game purchaser can get a pass for a price. And the Zone 2 lots (only about $250 more than I have earned just for my BB tickets) are only a block or so farther away (Closer than the golf lots)That was easy… $2,500 minimum donation for the West Lot and East Lot equivalents, >$1,000 for the next “level” beyond that:
I’ve said it a number of times: NU fans have literally no idea how cheap NU football has been for years.
Watch the video and it isn't too hard to qualify for zone 1 or two parking The FB season tickets alone will get you a long way, 4 50 yd line seats (Cost $1130 each including donation would automatically qualify you for zone one parking with no additional donation. Zone 2 tickets would require an additional $900 donation but none for zone 2. 4 zone 2 seats $930 each) would only cost an additional $100 donation) Zone 2 tickets would qualify you for zone 2 parking and it would cost $1300 for zone 1. If you also had BB tickets part of them could offset this. Then parking for the season would be $140-175 depending on whether you are going for zone 2 or 1. So ST holders don't have it too bad. Single game? You are on your ownYou were more willing to do the work than m3 XD
I do an annual tailgate with a farily large group of mixed fans, about half gopher fans about half fans of a variety of other midwestern teams (Wisconsin, NU, OSU, a former SDSU player, etc).
One of the guys in the group's family is a big donor to Gopher athletics. I mean big, like an annual six figure check. We don't need him to get the tickets, gopher single game tickets are not hard to acquire, they don't sell out. We DO leverage his connections for parking. We either pay $180 per spot for tickets in the MOST DISTANT lot in mid summer before they become available to the public (and get snapped up) or we REALLY leverage his M Club connections and have them connect us to another big donor who wants to unload and we buy the closest lot tickets for like $250 per spot. That's the middle four figures donation just for the parking spot, plus a few hundred per game lot. Mind you, that doesn't COME with anything, that's just the parking lot. There are some porta potties and trash bag dispensers scattered about, so that's something.
And that's at easily a bottom five Big Ten attendance site.
Did you actually watch the video? Any donation for any purpose counts. For example the $750 of the money I pay to be able to buy my season BB tickets would count toward requirements for FB parking pass Same would be true of anything associated with FB tickets donation requirements or any other donations. And the parking itself is pretty cheap at $140 for a zone two pass and $175 for a zone one pass. Over $3100 of my FB tickets this year would count so I would already be able to by a zone 1 pass with no additional donations even with only two FB tickets it would only require less than a $150 donation, considering I habe BB tickets. It would seem that their would be a lot of ways to offset required donations to get into the prime lots, The point is that the spaces are available for a reasonable price to anyone who already has bought season tickets, Even to the single game purchaser can get a pass for a price. And the Zone 2 lots (only about $250 more than I have earned just for my BB tickets) are only a block or so farther away (Closer than the golf lots)
And by the way, their zone one tickets (50 yd line prime seats $330 plus $800 donation) or zone 2 ($330 + $600 between the 30s including high or low at 50) ) would qualify you for parking in tier 2 or a long way to tier 1 lots 2 tickets would automatically get you into zone 2 with no additional donation or with BB donations such as I pay $150 additional donation for zone one or $350 for zone 2). 4 zone one tickes would auto qualify you for Tier 1 parking and it would require and additional $100 for zone 2 seating
Actually seems pretty reasonable especially considering what we are paying this year for 5 games. I don't think you are proving what you thought you were.
Do you understand that they have multiples of what we have in parking spaces?Do you understand the concept of a “minimum?”
Do you understand that they have multiples of what we have in parking spaces?
That was easy… $2,500 minimum donation for the West Lot and East Lot equivalents, >$1,000 for the next “level” beyond that:
Note that that’s the minimum and I would imagine there’s a “reverse auction” of some type where higher donations get priority.
I’ve said it a number of times: NU fans have literally no idea how cheap NU football has been for years.
Were you ever in the printing industry? Printers use M for thousand, and, it seems to me, everyone else uses K.$100MM
Were you ever in the printing industry? Printers use M for thousand, and, it seems to me, everyone else uses K.
This may be a dumb question, but it wouldn't be my first.
So to clarify, are you saying they don't do anything on the streets with the two hours before/after signs? No tickets? No towing? Just decoration.
Do you know if that's true for Evanston and Wilmette?
I will not be buying season tickets at the new Ryan. However, I visited my son in Winnetka. He and my wife went out one day and now I unexpectedly have a small condo next to a Metra station . I will buy tickets from OTSE or online and plan trips when NU plays back to back games, take the train to Central and not worry about parking.
Thank you! So much whining for what is going to be a freaking palace. Relax, people.For years, fans on this site talked about the need for a new stadium and now that we are getting one, it seems to be filled with complaints before the thing is even half finished. Why don't we just wait and see how it all turns out.
The reason for the complaints is that for years, the entire ticket plan for football and basketball was dirt,dirt cheap. Now, there will be donation requirements for seats and decent parking. Past loyalty will mean nothing, except if you gave a ton of $. My guess is is that NU will want to generate at least $30 million from football. This will require donations. If you want seats between the goal line and the 20, I expect the ticket will be between $1000 and $1250 per seat. The days of $350 for the season are over. Deal with it.Thank you! So much whining for what is going to be a freaking palace. Relax, people.
Whatever happened to Adam Smith? The other schools can charge big bucks because they have rabid fan bases who fill the stadium. NU has never had that, even in our good years. The ‘96 and ‘00 wins over Michigan in very good years for us still had the stadium filled with 30-40 percent of their smug followers.The reason for the complaints is that for years, the entire ticket plan for football and basketball was dirt,dirt cheap. Now, there will be donation requirements for seats and decent parking. Past loyalty will mean nothing, except if you gave a ton of $. My guess is is that NU will want to generate at least $30 million from football. This will require donations. If you want seats between the goal line and the 20, I expect the ticket will be between $1000 and $1250 per seat. The days of $350 for the season are over. Deal with it.
You are kind of making a case to charge more rather than less for tickets. Without a consistent winning team, there are limited NU fans. Prices are comparatively cheap at NU and we still don’t come close to having dominating home advantage. I don’t believe we would fill the stadium with Purple if tickets were $20 a seat. We haven’t priced many out yet they still don’t show up. In basketball this year, you could have got a ticket for a few conference games for $5 or less. Yet there were empty seats.Whatever happened to Adam Smith? The other schools can charge big bucks because they have rabid fan bases who fill the stadium. NU has never had that, even in our good years. The ‘96 and ‘00 wins over Michigan in very good years for us still had the stadium filled with 30-40 percent of their smug followers.
I’ll hold my nose and pay the inflated prices for a year or two, like a lot of NU fans. After that, the high prices will drive NU fans away and the new bells and whistles stadium will be full of rabble wearing other teams’ colors.
This is also the point of a small, new stadium, by the way. Maximize revenue and experience from our smaller but wealthier fan base.You are kind of making a case to charge more rather than less for tickets. Without a consistent winning team, there are limited NU fans. Prices are comparatively cheap at NU and we still don’t come close to having dominating home advantage. I don’t believe we would fill the stadium with Purple if tickets were $20 a seat. We haven’t priced many out yet they still don’t show up. In basketball this year, you could have got a ticket for a few conference games for $5 or less. Yet there were empty seats.
The point is, it already is full of rabble wearing other teams colors. It NU wants to change that it will need to improve the experience for NU Fans. Personally, I would pay up to have some benefits exclusively reserved for NU fans. Going to games against most teams in the original Big Ten isn’t much fun when you lose and get shouted down by fans of the opposition which outnumber you and somehow can afford the prices that NU fans snub their noses at.