I think people are making a lot of convenient editorial decisions about what the parties in question did and did not know, and when (and yes, I will include myself in the batch of culprits).You go to print with a story like this with the accuser’s account and another player from several years back who relays a similar hazing experience? No vetting of the source to understand if he has an underlying agenda that may be skewing his account? No attempts to speak with a handful of the accuser’s current teammates to corroborate his account? Come on! That was shoddy, gossip column journalism and I use the term “journalism” loosely. There is no way they had properly investigated and corroborated the story in one day. This was all about being first, and much less about getting it right. Woodward and Bernstein they are not.
For example...I will assume that CR told pretty similar versions of his story to the investigators and to the Daily, which lead both parties to agree that "hazing appears to have happened within the Northwestern football program." So now you have THREE corroborating sources - two players and a public statement from the university that was released that Friday.
And since then, multiple players and personnel from different eras have come forward corroborating what could be reasonably considered hazing "traditions" that crossed five-year stretches...and pretty much (depending on how you count Demos' statement) zero players who will publicly state, "I was never hazed, I never hazed, and I never witnessed hazing."
But also...no shortage of players praising Fitz and his positive influence on their lives...which most certainly does count for something. I believe for the most part we're better than he worst things we've ever done, and Fitz has done far more good than the bad in his run as head coach. But if you didn't know you could be fired if hazing was discovered to be happening on your watch as the head coach...I don't know what to tell you.
Again...I don't personally consider the Daily or CR heroes in any way, but their actions have resulted in revelations about a program that has some systemic problems hidden behind a good name and an otherwise squeaky-clean brand. I am miserable and disgusted by where we find ourselves, but I don't wish it stayed hidden, and I'm not hung up on how it all got out.