It was beyond my imagination...

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Aging Booster

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2014
that we could lose to Minnesota this year. But then, I never thought it possible that we could lose to Southern Illinois, or whatever that team of girl scouts was that we played in September. These games totally embarrass me - ruin my month, and make me take down the diploma from the office wall. Why do I buy season tickets and donate money for this garbage?
that we could lose to Minnesota this year. But then, I never thought it possible that we could lose to Southern Illinois, or whatever that team of girl scouts was that we played in September. These games totally embarrass me - ruin my month, and make me take down the diploma from the office wall. Why do I buy season tickets and donate money for this garbage?

Ready to call for heads yet? Plenty of room on the bandwagon, sit down next to me. We can become friends :]
Ready to call for heads yet? Plenty of room on the bandwagon, sit down next to me. We can become friends :]

Happy days are here for you, Bob. Tough loss for basketball last week, plus Cats will be underdogs Monday and Tuesday, so you could be reveling in 3 consecutive losses. Great day today in Minny, you are all over it after hiding in Belize last week! Enjoy!!;)
Happy days are here for you, Bob. Tough loss for basketball last week, plus Cats will be underdogs Monday and Tuesday, so you could be reveling in 3 consecutive losses. Great day today in Minny, you are all over it after hiding in Belize last week! Enjoy!!;)

Actually in Vegas, post conference. And as I watch the names join the bandwagon, I will lay on thick the 'I told you so.'

I called for coaching changes last year. Seems like the winds are changing. I said the AD and CCC screwed up handling the Vassar situation. Well, looks like another really good PR directly related to that.

I became villain number one largely due to those two positions and my aggressive responses. Guess what, looks like I was on the right side of the fence. So go ahead with your name calling, your accusation about my fandom or troll or whatever. But, yes, it does feel good to be vindicated.

And if they lose to IL - there will be changes. God, I must be annoying ;)
xyzbob, this is your moment in the sun! Enjoy!

Too bad you don't know how to fix the problem.
xyzbob, this is your moment in the sun! Enjoy!

Too bad you don't know how to fix the problem.

If I did, nobody would listen. I could fx much of the legal system if I was appointed God. I doubt NU football would be much more difficult. I have thoughts on the matter - it would probably make a fun thread 'How would you fix it' but I know you were tongue in cheek and the klan would probably have it removed.

Meanwhile, thanks, I plan to. Some will despise me more and those ones I hope find ignore. Meanwhile, in one week, the basis for my reputation has proven true. Feels good to be right. Feels frustrating when that annoying guy was right and the best, only, defense is to deflect to modesty, or lack thereof. Cheers.
If I did, nobody would listen. I could fx much of the legal system if I was appointed God. I doubt NU football would be much more difficult. I have thoughts on the matter - it would probably make a fun thread 'How would you fix it' but I know you were tongue in cheek and the klan would probably have it removed.

Meanwhile, thanks, I plan to. Some will despise me more and those ones I hope find ignore. Meanwhile, in one week, the basis for my reputation has proven true. Feels good to be right. Feels frustrating when that annoying guy was right and the best, only, defense is to deflect to modesty, or lack thereof. Cheers.

Is the martyr act necessary? I only regret that I have but one life to lose for NU.
Foolish quote # 762 under this current handle... probably x10 if you include all the other handles this clown has used.

I suspect that she will be working on a new handle soon after today-- just a hunch.
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Ready to call for heads yet? Plenty of room on the bandwagon, sit down next to me. We can become friends :]
No - I am not going to join you and your ilk. You see, unlike you, I love NU like a family member and want nothing but good for it. I become disconsolate at bad losses to poor or mediocre teams because they hurt the one I love. But, unlike you, I support our coaches, our administrators, and our team. You seem to take pleasure in our losses and mistakes as vindication for your positions. You seem to ignore the fact that nobody cares about your positions except for you. I care about NU - and you seem to be unable to give it any support or assistance. If you did, I'd consider your comments in a different light.
No - I am not going to join you and your ilk. You see, unlike you, I love NU like a family member and want nothing but good for it. I become disconsolate at bad losses to poor or mediocre teams because they hurt the one I love. But, unlike you, I support our coaches, our administrators, and our team. You seem to take pleasure in our losses and mistakes as vindication for your positions. You seem to ignore the fact that nobody cares about your positions except for you. I care about NU - and you seem to be unable to give it any support or assistance. If you did, I'd consider your comments in a different light.
Ok. We will give it time. Change is not easy. Just ask Lincoln.
No - I am not going to join you and your ilk. You see, unlike you, I love NU like a family member and want nothing but good for it. I become disconsolate at bad losses to poor or mediocre teams because they hurt the one I love. But, unlike you, I support our coaches, our administrators, and our team. You seem to take pleasure in our losses and mistakes as vindication for your positions. You seem to ignore the fact that nobody cares about your positions except for you. I care about NU - and you seem to be unable to give it any support or assistance. If you did, I'd consider your comments in a different light.

Ok. So you're disconsolate. So is everybody here.

The difference is: then what?

Some folks here bury their head in the sand because they remember the days when any win was a massive cause for celebration and - truth be told - winning and losing at sports isn't really all that important to them...

The rest - as in the MAJORITY of the Non-Board fan base - gets mad because we do not settle for losing and we actually want to win and we are willing to sacrifice the sacred cows of THE Sacred Cow to do so.

Only in (North)West(ern) World does this fantasy exist where mediocre is OK because bad was once the status quo and actually being consistently great is an impossibility because it would mean sacrificing the one true driving force behind NU Board fandom: the bizarro-world ego-trip that perversely accompanies being a nerd factory for the non-sports-oriented abnormal kids who were always the last picked (and the first pegged in the face) at dodgeball.

Everywhere else, and I mean literally everywhere else, the real fans care about winning and losing and refuse to rationalize incompetence. The so-called "fans" that go on sports boards to rationalize failure are considered the non-fans! When regular fans get hit in the face at dodgeball or anything else for that matter, they hit back!

On the NU sports board freak-show, however, rationalizing failure is perversely considered by some to be the truest and highest form of NU fandom and hitting back is out of the question. Only at NU...

This line of thinking is so backwards it is simply astounding!

If you actually attended games and - heaven forbid - communicated with a mouth and ears rather than a microprocessor - you'd already know that. But keep on fighting the "change is not necessary" fight. Pretty soon there will be no one here to agree with you. Literally no one.
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Ok. So you're disconsolate. So is everybody here.

The difference is: then what?

Some folks here bury their head in the sand because they remember the days when any win was a massive cause for celebration and - truth be told - winning and losing at sports isn't really all that important to them...

The rest - as in the MAJORITY of the Non-Board fan base - gets mad because we do not settle for losing and we actually want to win and we are willing to sacrifice the sacred cows of THE Sacred Cow to do so.

Only in (North)West(ern) World does this fantasy exist where mediocre is OK because bad was once the status quo and actually being consistently great is an impossibility because it would mean sacrificing the one true driving force behind NU Board fandom: the bizarro-world ego-trip that perversely accompanies being a nerd factory for the non-sports-oriented abnormal kids who were always the last picked (and the first pegged in the face) at dodgeball.

Everywhere else, and I mean literally everywhere else, the real fans care about winning and losing and refuse to rationalize incompetence. The so-called "fans" that go on sports boards to rationalize failure are considered the non-fans! When regular fans get hit in the face at dodgeball or anything else for that matter, they hit back!

On the NU sports board freak-show, however, rationalizing failure is perversely considered by some to be the truest and highest form of NU fandom and hitting back is out of the question. Only at NU...

This line of thinking is so backwards it is simply astounding!

If you actually attended games and - heaven forbid - communicated with a mouth and ears rather than a microprocessor - you'd already know that. But keep on fighting the "change is not necessary" fight. Pretty soon there will be no one here to agree with you. Literally no one.

I didn't go to NU. Going to have to read this at least 3 times to figure out what the Sam Hill you are saying. These bolds and capitals mean something right?

Keep attacking the fans to make your point since no one else's matters or make any sense.
I didn't go to NU. Going to have to read this at least 3 times to figure out what the Sam Hill you are saying. These bolds and capitals mean something right?

Keep attacking the fans to make your point since no one else's matters or make any sense.

What it means is that only on he NU boards are the fans who want to win castigated as non-fans and the fans who defend the mediocre status quo convince themselves that they're the real fans even though some of them don't even attend games.

In the parking lot, among the regular fan base, people are pissed.

Only on the NU freak show boards (and literally nowhere else!) do so-called fans who don't attend games or even own season tickets pat themselves on the back for criticizing people who refuse to rationalize this garbage.

Got it now?
What it means is that only on he NU boards are the fans who want to win castigated as non-fans and the fans who defend the mediocre status quo convince themselves that they're the real fans even though some of them don't even attend games.

In the parking lot, among the regular fan base, people are pissed.

Only on the NU freak show boards (and literally nowhere else!) do so-called fans who don't attend games or even own season tickets pat themselves on the back for criticizing people who refuse to rationalize this garbage.

Got it now?

Where does this real fan rubbish come from? I don't see posters (not part of the regular fan base I guess) ganging up to call fans that want to win "non-fans" Actually see the opposite attack. It's usually, the apologists as you have coined them getting blasted as not wanting to win and accepting mediocrity. Then come the obligatory, thin skinned response by certain so called Realist's that they have been attacked in the past all in the same breath as they fire their own scud missiles.

Pot meet kettle.
No. Wrong. That's just not what happens here. What happens here that the folks who want to win say so and criticize the mediocrity and say "we can do better and these coaches -none of whom ever get fired - need to be held accountable".

Then the apologists swoop in and launch ad hominems against the critical and pat themselves on the back for doing so.

If the criticism is against a player (which is rare), it's "what kind of non-fan criticizes a kid?"

If it's against the coaches, it's "I support our coaches. It's not their incompetence. It's execution."

in other words, no criticism is allowed (other than against the fans rendering them, of course).

in the real world, NU boosters are VERY unhappy with what's going on with this program. That I can assure you of. How do I know? I'm there week in and week out, through thick and thin, every year since 1983. I've never seen fans so disappointed in the state of the program.

Back in the day when nobody gave a damn, we'd just laugh it off. But not now. Not after all the money and donations and promises and effort. Now, failure is simply failure. And it needs to be fixed. And people need to be held accountable and fired. Because it's unacceptable now. Except here. On this board. Here, nothing is unacceptable. Except criticism of fans who want necessary changes made.
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Happy days are here for you, Bob. Tough loss for basketball last week, plus Cats will be underdogs Monday and Tuesday, so you could be reveling in 3 consecutive losses. Great day today in Minny, you are all over it after hiding in Belize last week! Enjoy!!;)
Belize Navidad!
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No. Wrong. That's just not what happens here. What happens here that the folks who want to win say so and criticize the mediocrity and say "we can do better and these coaches -none of whom ever get fired - need to be held accountable".

Then the apologists swoop in and launch ad hominems against the critical and pat themselves on the back for doing so.

If the criticism is against a player (which is rare), it's "what kind of non-fan criticizes a kid?"

If it's against the coaches, it's "I support our coaches. It's not their incompetence. It's execution."

in other words, no criticism is allowed (other than against the fans rendering them, of course).

in the real world, NU boosters are VERY unhappy with what's going on with this program. That I can assure you of. How do I know? I'm there week in and week out, through thick and thin, every year since 1983. I've never seen fans so disappointed in the state of the program.

Back in the day when nobody gave a damn, we'd just laugh it off. But not now. Not after all the money and donations and promises and effort. Now, failure is simply failure. And it needs to be fixed. And people need to be held accountable and fired. Because it's unacceptable now. Except here. On this board. Here, nothing is unacceptable. Except criticism of fans who want necessary changes made.

So why are there not a million posters like you on these boards? Why are you vastly outnumbered by the so-called apologists who don't attack the players and fans?
No. Wrong. That's just not what happens here. What happens here that the folks who want to win say so and criticize the mediocrity and say "we can do better and these coaches -none of whom ever get fired - need to be held accountable".

Then the apologists swoop in and launch ad hominems against the critical and pat themselves on the back for doing so.

If the criticism is against a player (which is rare), it's "what kind of non-fan criticizes a kid?"

If it's against the coaches, it's "I support our coaches. It's not their incompetence. It's execution."

in other words, no criticism is allowed (other than against the fans rendering them, of course).

in the real world, NU boosters are VERY unhappy with what's going on with this program. That I can assure you of. How do I know? I'm there week in and week out, through thick and thin, every year since 1983. I've never seen fans so disappointed in the state of the program.

Back in the day when nobody gave a damn, we'd just laugh it off. But not now. Not after all the money and donations and promises and effort. Now, failure is simply failure. And it needs to be fixed. And people need to be held accountable and fired. Because it's unacceptable now. Except here. On this board. Here, nothing is unacceptable. Except criticism of fans who want necessary changes made.

Interesting take and exactly what I thought the retort would be. I'll guess we will just agree to disagree. Btw- one of the tailgates I frequent each week is run by mostly former players from the Barney or Walker era. Most will tell you they would be fine with a few changes ( not the boss man) but they aren't jumping to a state of emergency that you are projecting.
Where does this real fan rubbish come from? I don't see posters (not part of the regular fan base I guess) ganging up to call fans that want to win "non-fans" Actually see the opposite attack. It's usually, the apologists as you have coined them getting blasted as not wanting to win and accepting mediocrity. Then come the obligatory, thin skinned response by certain so called Realist's that they have been attacked in the past all in the same breath as they fire their own scud missiles.

Pot meet kettle.

Have not you, va, mike, etc all called me a non fan?
Interesting take and exactly what I thought the retort would be. I'll guess we will just agree to disagree. Btw- one of the tailgates I frequent each week is run by mostly former players from the Barney or Walker era. Most will tell you they would be fine with a few changes ( not the boss man) but they aren't jumping to a state of emergency that you are projecting.

Well, if you noticed, I said very unhappy and never so disappointed. Not "state of emergency."

I understand you disagreeing with state of emergency because I would too. That would mean firing Fitz, which would be a mistake. Firing the offensive staff does not rise to the level of emergency. And good on you for knowing what I'd say before I said it. Tells me there's a sense of reality to you.
Actually even though I disagree with your aggressive style of posting, I don't recall calling you a non fam. I suspect you are a fan, just one that tends to oversimplify things.

Thanks. Though I disagree. But you have seen this pattern as described by woody and applied to me?
that we could lose to Minnesota this year.

Gopher fan here. It's almost always a hard fought, evenly matched game when the Gophers play the Cats. I'm relatively young, but that's been true as long as I can remember.

I think it's strange that so many Cats fans see the Gophers as some kind of bottom feeder. The Gophers aren't great, but the last several years they are usually above average:

3 of the past 4 years the Gophers have won 8 games. So, have the GGs been worldbeaters? Absolutely not. But they have been competitive on Saturdays and usually win more than they lose.

Good luck against the Illini and again in your bowl game!
Gopher fan here. It's almost always a hard fought, evenly matched game when the Gophers play the Cats. I'm relatively young, but that's been true as long as I can remember.

I think it's strange that so many Cats fans see the Gophers as some kind of bottom feeder. The Gophers aren't great, but the last several years they are usually above average:

3 of the past 4 years the Gophers have won 8 games. So, have the GGs been worldbeaters? Absolutely not. But they have been competitive on Saturdays and usually win more than they lose.

Good luck against the Illini and again in your bowl game!

Not sure we think of the Gophers as bottom feeders as much as a team we ought to be able to beat. Minnesota is a program, that if our program could just get over the hump, we would beat consistently. We don't get over the hump. Losing to some the programs that have huge football advantages like OSU PSU or Michigan is easier to take.

NU has no true rival. There is no school in the B1G that compares, NU is private, small, urban and academically elite. Playing in a conference that is comprised of schools that are State sponsored, Ural (not Minnesota), large and while academically strong by P5 standards, less limited by academics in recruiting. Like Minnesota, NU would like to competing at the top. We keep thinking we are on the cusp of that but until we can consistently beat teams like Minnesota, Iowa, MSU, PSU and Wisconsin, we are reminded that we are not good enough.
What it means is that only on he NU boards are the fans who want to win castigated as non-fans and the fans who defend the mediocre status quo convince themselves that they're the real fans even though some of them don't even attend games.
Disagree. Read pretty much any board and you will find nearly identical posts and posters to everyone that we have here. Yahoo leads me into individual team fan boards for other teams sometimes and I enjoy how incredibly identical we are to them all.
Disagree. Read pretty much any board and you will find nearly identical posts and posters to everyone that we have here. Yahoo leads me into individual team fan boards for other teams sometimes and I enjoy how incredibly identical we are to them all.

You mean there's other posters like Woody Woodpecker out there? Heaven save us all!
You mean there's other posters like Woody Woodpecker out there? Heaven save us all!
I guess it could the same person under different names on different boards.

There are people considered polyannas or klanners or whatever name is being used on every board I have seen. There are also those that complain about the following:

1. The o-line is not competitive
2. The talent is there but the players are not being developed
3. The talent is not there because our coaches are being outrecruited.
4. Assistant coaches must be fired immediately
5. Unimaginative play-calling (that should have been listed first - it is on every single board)

There are probably others but these are the ones I have seen recently.
I guess it could the same person under different names on different boards.

There are people considered polyannas or klanners or whatever name is being used on every board I have seen. There are also those that complain about the following:

1. The o-line is not competitive
2. The talent is there but the players are not being developed
3. The talent is not there because our coaches are being outrecruited.
4. Assistant coaches must be fired immediately
5. Unimaginative play-calling (that should have been listed first - it is on every single board)

There are probably others but these are the ones I have seen recently.

Gopher fan here. It's almost always a hard fought, evenly matched game when the Gophers play the Cats. I'm relatively young, but that's been true as long as I can remember.

I think it's strange that so many Cats fans see the Gophers as some kind of bottom feeder. The Gophers aren't great, but the last several years they are usually above average:

3 of the past 4 years the Gophers have won 8 games. So, have the GGs been worldbeaters? Absolutely not. But they have been competitive on Saturdays and usually win more than they lose.

Good luck against the Illini and again in your bowl game!
My comments reflect my long-term impressions of your program. Minnesota generally plays the weakest out-of-conference schedule of the Big Ten teams. I see the Gophers usually starting out strong, in large part because of this, and then winding up at 4,5,6 or 7 wins. Your former coach improved the program, but in his absence, I assumed you might regress. Not this year anyway - congrats on the win.
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My comments reflect my long-term impressions of your program. Minnesota generally plays the weakest out-of-conference schedule of the Big Ten teams. I see the Gophers usually starting out strong, in large part because of this, and then winding up at 4,5,6 or 7 wins. Your former coach improved the program, but in his absence, I assumed you might regress. Not this year anyway - congrats on the win.

I doubt Minnesota has played close to the weakest non-con schedule in the B1G in the last 5-6 years with both USC and TCU home and home.

None the less, many fans want to see more from this staff and recognize the opportunity available this year. It was fairly obvious to me the ceiling was 8-10 wins given the schedule. We'll see how things turn out vs Wisky and the bowl game. Given this is arguably our weakest schedule in a generation and Kill put this program in its current trajectory, I would include myself in the camp of open to exploring alternative coaching options provided the new AD already has a plan in place. During a normal year an 8 win season should cement an extension here but this has been anything but that.

I said prior to Saturday I view NW as a 'peer' game and although I've been very critical of the Tracey Claeys regime, they more than passed the test. If we would have had a better performance from our QB as I expected, this could have been a very special season.
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I doubt Minnesota has played close to the weakest non-con schedule in the B1G in the last 5-6 years with both USC and TCU home and home.

None the less, many fans want to see more from this staff and recognize the opportunity available this year. It was fairly obvious to me the ceiling was 8-10 wins given the schedule. We'll see how things turn out vs Wisky and the bowl game. Given this is arguably our weakest schedule in a generation and Kill put this program in its current trajectory, I would include myself in the camp of open to exploring alternative coaching options provided the new AD already has a plan in place. During a normal year an 8 win season should cement an extension here but this has been anything but that.

I said prior to Saturday I view NW as a 'peer' game and although I've been very critical of the Tracey Claeys regime, they more than passed the test. If we would have had a better performance from our QB as I expected, this could have been a very special season.

Minnesota has had some good seasons lately and some NU fans don't realize how good the team is. I think the whole premise of this thread was bad. We were playing a team that played tough, beat the people they should beat, and battled hard against teams that were their equal or better. It wasn't like we went into a game and we were favored by 2 touchdowns. I watched the Minny vs Neb game and knew we would be in trouble and hoped we would find a way to win. But this year, you guys had the better team. We have had glimpses of glory this season but also showed weaknesses that I hope we will correct in the off-season. If we do, we can have a fantastic 2017. If we don't, we may struggle next year like this year.

This is a strange game where one or two players in the right spot can make a big difference. We graduate two defensive ends and a top twenty defense is now middle of the road. The fall of MSU was unbelievable. Each year is different and getting harder to predict. I think Minny is on a good track and will continue to compete going forward.
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