Jordan Ash’s defense Paves the Way for Northwestern Victory over Oklahoma!


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2015
Folks, I may not be able to write my column later his evening, so I thought I would post it ahead of time. I see an assertive NU team, loaded with confidence and defensive pressure handling a shocked Oklahoma home crowd tonight. As the title above states, it will be the coming out party for Jordan Ash. He will keep Trae Young to under twenty points and ten assists in our surprise win which will get us some top twenty five votes next week in the AP Poll.
Folks, I may not be able to write my column later his evening, so I thought I would post it ahead of time. I see an assertive NU team, loaded with confidence and defensive pressure handling a shocked Oklahoma home crowd tonight. As the title above states, it will be the coming out party for Jordan Ash. He will keep Trae Young to under twenty points and ten assists in our surprise win which will get us some top twenty five votes next week in the AP Poll.
I agree. Ash may push for 6th man award at the end of the year. Possibly NBA draft, right?
Folks, I may not be able to write my column later his evening, so I thought I would post it ahead of time. I see an assertive NU team, loaded with confidence and defensive pressure handling a shocked Oklahoma home crowd tonight. As the title above states, it will be the coming out party for Jordan Ash. He will keep Trae Young to under twenty points and ten assists in our surprise win which will get us some top twenty five votes next week in the AP Poll.
Well, how'd that work out?
But alas, you are skirting the issue. How was Ash;s defense tonight? Did he lock down Trae Young?
Ash played him well! Ash led our team in steals and minutes played! Young rotated off Ash and scored on other players most of the time! He hit three or four monster three point shots from five feet past the NBA three point line. The first half, Young and the other guy were amazing! Ash has started three games and is taking over our offense! Ash shot fifty percent today. Mac was 4-13
Ash played him well! Ash led our team in steals and minutes played! Young rotated off Ash and scored on other players most of the time! He hit three or four monster three point shots from five feet past the NBA three point line. The first half, Young and the other guy were amazing! Ash has started three games and is taking over our offense! Ash shot fifty percent today. Mac was 4-13

Watch the tape again, Better yet, just watch the highlights on BTN. Nearly every highlight is Trae a) catching and shooting with Ash out of position, b) Trae blowing by Ash.

Your man-love for Ask has clouded your vision. He had a terrible defensive game. He lead our team in steals because we had THREE steals on the night!
I watched the game and Ash played well! He only got beat a few times! Okey had two guys hitting lights out threes! Credit to them! Ash led our team with 31 minutes! Oklahoma played the best basketball I have ever seen in first half at 68 percent! Still, I expect Ash to start the rest of the way! Mac didn’t play much the second half!
I watched the game and Ash played well! He only got beat a few times! Okey had two guys hitting lights out threes! Credit to them! Ash led our team with 31 minutes! Oklahoma played the best basketball I have ever seen in first half at 68 percent! Still, I expect Ash to start the rest of the way! Mac didn’t play much the second half!

Agree to disagree I guess; I am not exaggerating; nearly every single BTN highlight of the game showed Ash being beat defensively.
Ash was easily,and I mean easily,our best defender out there!
Tallest midget though.

I'm actually with you on him versus Scottie though. At least Ash plays his heart out. Scottie goes into a deep funk when his shot isn't falling. Play for next year as this year is all but over if the goal is to make it to the NCAA.
That may be correct and says a lot about the team. They simply lack the speed, quickness, and toughness to defend top level teams Ash included. I'll stick to my belief that the Baldwin loss was huge.
Just a bad day at the office without our boss at the helm. Gotta move forward
Tallest midget though.

I'm actually with you on him versus Scottie though. At least Ash plays his heart out. Scottie goes into a deep funk when his shot isn't falling. Play for next year as this year is all but over if the goal is to make it to the NCAA.
Do you think that Collins and the players believe this season is all but over? I have a feeling I am going to have a warm chuckle at the end of the season over posts such as these, just like I did at the end of our football season after that 2-3 start when people said we were seriously going to win 3 or 4 games. Same exact scenario with the schedule as well; some posters just don't learn the lesson that teams can and do improve, particularly well-coached teams...
Do you think that Collins and the players believe this season is all but over? I have a feeling I am going to have a warm chuckle at the end of the season over posts such as these, just like I did at the end of our football season after that 2-3 start when people said we were seriously going to win 3 or 4 games. Same exact scenario with the schedule as well; some posters just don't learn the lesson that teams can and do improve, particularly well-coached teams...
Well said! Well coached teams improve. Fact is, Scottie is too dam slow on defense . His days are numbered when you have energetic and talented guys like Gaines and Falzon out there. Scottie had ten turnovers against Oklahoma. Eight missed shots and two turnovers and doesn’t play defense. Mac got burned four times on three pointers and doesn’t play defense,but is still an asset as a passer, and ball handler. His days are numbered as Ash can shoot and plays exceptionally well on defense and doesn’t turn the ball over. Mac had eleven turnovers also. Nine missed shots and two turnovers. Brown had four turnovers but shot well.
Of course not. But I'm entitled to my opinion. You are entitled to disagree.

Merry Christmas!
Yup. Just like when thought Collins had lost the team and I did not, and when you were so certain that we were going to lose to Penn State that you wagered your screen name over it, and I wagered you. When you disagree with posters and areally proven to be incorrect on multiple occasions, I would humbly suggest that you reconsider you opinion.

I've certainly done it; my opinion on Coach Carmody was a prime example back in the day, when I had a strong opibion but realized I was on the side of dolts like MysticCat and Purp, who were never cprrect about amythind, and not people like Virginia who clearly knew more about basketball than I.

I had a strong opinion, listened to the wisdom of others, and changed my mind. You can too.
No, McIntosh and Lindsey’s days are not numbered. Get a clue. Ash’s defense was destroyed by Young. He is a bench player and always will be. 4-star guards in Lathon and Koop are coming next season and Gaines will have first shot a SG position. Your blogs should ride the bench also as they are 99 percent wrong.
What a joke. You suck as a fan.
He''s not a hopeless case like the Carmody trolls, imo
Merry Christmas to you too!!
I think Virginia use'd to say similar things about me back in the day, and of course I was not a fan. But you know what? Virginia was right.

Yes Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus; and a better coach for this team (CC) than Coach Carmody was!
No, McIntosh and Lindsey’s days are not numbered. Get a clue. Ash’s defense was destroyed by Young. He is a bench player and always will be. 4-star guards in Lathon and Koop are coming next season and Gaines will have first shot a SG position. Your blogs should ride the bench also as they are 99 percent wrong.
Walker fan. I have no invested interest in any single player. I just love NU sports,which we all know. I will defer to other posters for a while on here,as even I am getting tired of hearing myself say the darn same thing over and over again! LoL! I believe this team has talent which can go ten deep in the BT! We can win the BT title. I just want the players with the hot hand to play, whomever they may be!
I was totally correct about Ash in this game except Jordan had no support on offense while Young had guys who would not miss. Just read my thread on Ash vs Young. This was indeed a breakout game for Jordan,who shockingly has solidified the number one guard spot over Mac! CC respects defense and Mac got burnt to a crisp out there!
Too bad you have no knowledge of basketball. Ash was lit up by Young. Period. He scored a couple of meaningless baskets. Opponents devise scouting reports and game plans and McIntosh is no. 1 on who they have to stop against NU. Ash is no. 9 or 10. Lindsey is no. 2 or 3 when Law is out there. Unfortunately, McIntosh has not played very well and hopefully, will improve in the last 17 games and once again, Ash will never start over McIntosh, Lindsey or Law. Stop wasting our time with that garbage.
Mac is killing us with his turnovers. 30 to 3 for Ash. Ash has more steals than Mac also. Plus, Mac I shooting at a low percentage which is another way of saying he is turning the ball over. Still, we need Mac and Ash on the court at the same time for 30 minutes per game. Mac plays better with Ash back there.
Once again, your lack of basketball knowledge reads it’s ugly head. Ash does not handle the ball much at all which means he does not turn the ball over. If you are correct that McIntosh has turned the ball over 30 times (which I have not checked to confirm) then he is averaging a little over 2 TOs a game which is not awful considering he play 35 mpg. Also his apg average is solid and his assists to turnover ratio is not bad. Ash is a marginal player. Period. If he starts and plays starter minutes, NU will not succeed and will not succeed in Big 10 play. We will see on 1/2, who starts. My educated guess is Ash is nowhere near the starting lineup. But keep blowing hot air. It is too funny. You add great comedic relief.
Once again, your lack of basketball knowledge reads it’s ugly head. Ash does not handle the ball much at all which means he does not turn the ball over. If you are correct that McIntosh has turned the ball over 30 times (which I have not checked to confirm) then he is averaging a little over 2 TOs a game which is not awful considering he play 35 mpg. Also his apg average is solid and his assists to turnover ratio is not bad. Ash is a marginal player. Period. If he starts and plays starter minutes, NU will not succeed and will not succeed in Big 10 play. We will see on 1/2, who starts. My educated guess is Ash is nowhere near the starting lineup. But keep blowing hot air. It is too funny. You add great comedic relief.
I like Mac,but he is spread too thin! Everyone on here agrees with me. Mac turns the ball over at crucial times, costing us games! Still,I like him and consider him our fourth best player!

Wrassler/Turk Hybrid NU hoops rating of top five players.

1) Lawlessness
2) Pardon the interruption!
3) Ash Man cometh!
4) Macadoodle
5) Falzon
6) Skelly
7) Gaines
8) Benson
9) Brown
10) Scottie, a real liability! Not playing good defense and can’t shoot!
I like Mac,but he is spread too thin! Everyone on here agrees with me. Mac turns the ball over at crucial times, costing us games! Still,I like him and consider him our fourth best player!

Wrassler/Turk Hybrid NU hoops rating of top five players.

1) Lawlessness
2) Pardon the interruption!
3) Ash Man cometh!
4) Macadoodle
5) Falzon
6) Skelly
7) Gaines
8) Benson
9) Brown
10) Scottie, a real liability! Not playing good defense and can’t shoot!

Guess "everyone" doesn't agree with you since Walker and I don't agree with you. Feel free to post a poll if you wish to see who else disagrees....
Guess "everyone" doesn't agree with you since Walker and I don't agree with you. Feel free to post a poll if you wish to see who else disagrees....
We need all ten guys going forward. I like our ten players and would not trade them for MSU' s players. So that being said,we just need to execute. If you don't perform,Ash included, you ride the pine.
Wrassler/Turk Hybrid NU hoops rating of top five players.

1) Lawlessness
2) Pardon the interruption!
3) Ash Man cometh!
4) Macadoodle
5) Falzon
6) Skelly
7) Gaines
8) Benson
9) Brown
10) Scottie, a real liability! Not playing good defense and can’t shoot!

10 players in your "top five players"list. Well done.
Let’s get this straight. Two games ago, Law is injured and Scottie goes for 25 points and we win 62-60 versus a poor DePaul team on the road. Now Scottie is the worst player (10th best) on the team. LOL. You can’t make this up! Too funny. We must be a great team if our 10th player can put up 25 pts. and bail us out in a critical must win game.

This past game, Oklahoma goes for 68 points in the first half and Young hits 6 3 pointers as he is being guarded by the glove not Gary Payton but JAsh in the first half. Too funny that you still have him at No. 3.

Are you a family member?

Nice kid, good teammate, but a role player. Can someone explain what a role player is to this clown.
This is the time to bring the players together. Not divide them. I like all ten players. If we play as a team,we can do well. Gotta perform. Plain and simple. That goes for Scottie and Ash. CC will find the hot hand and run with it. No one. not me or you guys, knows what that will be. Merry Christmas. Personally,I'm excited about this team's ability to win the BT!
Let’s get this straight. Two games ago, Law is injured and Scottie goes for 25 points and we win 62-60 versus a poor DePaul team on the road. Now Scottie is the worst player (10th best) on the team. LOL. You can’t make this up! Too funny. We must be a great team if our 10th player can put up 25 pts. and bail us out in a critical must win game.

This past game, Oklahoma goes for 68 points in the first half and Young hits 6 3 pointers as he is being guarded by the glove not Gary Payton but JAsh in the first half. Too funny that you still have him at No. 3.

Are you a family member?

Nice kid, good teammate, but a role player. Can someone explain what a role player is to this clown.
You took the bait, hook line and sinker!!
Too funny. A guy who feels compelled to post 7,247 times in 20 months or an average of 362 per month (averaging a little over 12 posts per day) is saying that I am falling prey to a goof poster. Who can you explain 5,000 out of your 7,247 posts? I can explain it, but will refrain at this time.

Time to take a break from posting until only after games.
Too funny. A guy who feels compelled to post 7,247 times in 20 months or an average of 362 per month (averaging a little over 12 posts per day) is saying that I am falling prey to a goof poster. Who can you explain 5,000 out of your 7,247 posts? I can explain it, but will refrain at this time.

Time to take a break from posting until only after games.
We need ya Walker! It’s all in fun! I like Scottie when he is on. Thing of beauty! Same with Mac! Vic rarely has a bad day at the office. It is hard to win on the road after playing a bunch of games. Same problem we had vs Texas Tech. We will be fine and everyone, including Scottie,Mac,Ash,Brown,etc will be playing and having fun. Illinois just beat a top twenty team. It’s all about chemistry. I like this team better than last year’s team. When Scottie is on, he is our number two player. No worries. Let’s git this party started! The key is harmony and team chemistry. Also, no road games vs top twenty teams when u got no legs