Lujan vs Bajakian


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Gold Member
May 22, 2018
Is there much of a difference? I mean in result (not style/scheme). Very, very disappointing given we were led to believe this would be an upgrade.

On the flip side, D looks solid.
Is there much of a difference? I mean in result (not style/scheme). Very, very disappointing given we were led to believe this would be an upgrade.

On the flip side, D looks solid.
Yeah. Bajakian was better.
Is there much of a difference? I mean in result (not style/scheme). Very, very disappointing given we were led to believe this would be an upgrade.

On the flip side, D looks solid.
Yes. Our running game looks much better.

Porter should have gotten the ball on third and short and goal no matter what.

I am curious to hear what happened
Let’s judge a guy after 2 games. Of course I miss the Bajakian run up the middle on first down negative yards. Or the wildcat direct snap to jack Lausch special that always got stuffed.

Luhan is stuck with zero quarterback because Bahamian couldn’t recruit one.

Watch the game. The offensive line is playing much better. Zero sacks. Wide receivers are getting open.

Wright just sucks. Missed seeing tons of wide open players. Throws the ball to his option A. Never looks off the defense. Can’t throw a decent ball period.
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There is no way after just two games you can say for certain Lujan is worse than Bajakian. Lujan has never coached any of our QB's before and he got here in January and Wright got here in May. Wright will never be a pure passer, he struggles on reads he is a count or two behind on his passes he is even indecisive on when to tuck the ball away and run, very tentative against Duke.
Our QB room has been a disaster since 2019 except for Ramsey and Bryant that's why Fitz worked so hard to convince Ramsey to come back for the '21 season. How much better would our O look with the two guys I just mentioned running the show.
Lets see how the offense evolves as the year goes forward. What Lujan comes up with to make it more efficient. Give the man some time to get the QB room up to speed. There will be plenty of time to throw him under the bus if he doesn't.
Let’s judge a guy after 2 games. Of course I miss the Bajakian run up the middle on first down negative yards. Or the wildcat direct snap to jack Lausch special that always got stuffed.

Luhan is stuck with zero quarterback because Bahamian couldn’t recruit one.

Watch the game. The offensive line is playing much better. Zero sacks. Wide receivers are getting open.

Wright just sucks. Missed seeing tons of wide open players. Throws the ball to his option A. Never looks off the defense. Can’t throw a decent ball period.
Apply the same two game standard to QB Wright as well. He has done some very good things in two games. He is much better than what you imply.
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Yeah. Bajakian was better.
You know what Bajakian did in his first two games? You know?

NU scored 43 against Maryland and 21 in beating Iowa. (Seriously! COVID season! 300+ rushing yards in Ramsey’s debut!)

Efff it. Bring back Jake!

(I’m kidding. Jake was a terrible OC and Lujan has an excellent record. Also, Jake could never bring in a quarterback.)
Is there much of a difference? I mean in result (not style/scheme). Very, very disappointing given we were led to believe this would be an upgrade.

On the flip side, D looks solid.
"Led to believe"? Do you mean "we chose to believe?
Apply the same two game standard to QB Wright as well. He has done some very good things in two games. He is much better than what you imply.
Agreed. Duke is a mediocre team that is probably not much better than Miami Hydroxide. Wright had a solid game and a bad game. Let's see how he does v Indy.
"Led to believe"? Do you mean "we chose to believe?
If we only had Bajakian he would have run Cam up the middle on the third down play instead of that crazy end run. That was Lujan’s fault (if it was not a busted play) and costs us the game. Although we should have won the game in regulation. Wright is another sad story.
Is there much of a difference? I mean in result (not style/scheme). Very, very disappointing given we were led to believe this would be an upgrade.

On the flip side, D looks solid.
I prefer Lujan very much so far as I at least see a lot more attempts to be creative, stretch the field horizontally, etc... but we've now seen a Jake/McCall style completely disastrous red zone play call and ultimately the results are what they are. Some of it is just the guys: we don't really have em. Maybe Lujan will be better at getting more outside threats in town. But the results will be the pudding, and it's a bad start.
Is there much of a difference? I mean in result (not style/scheme). Very, very disappointing given we were led to believe this would be an upgrade.

On the flip side, D looks solid.
WAY too early to tell