Luke's new swing

I fully recognize that Luke needed to make an adjustment. But his new swing is ugly. It is so flat. He's gone from an absolutely gorgeous elegant swing to, well, yuck. But if it makes him a better player, great. So far it hasn't.
Sorry Doc, but I LOVE the new swing, and the concepts Luke talks about. The concept of staying better connected can only help, especially with shots hit under pressure. It was always amazing to me that Luke got to World #1 the way he drove the golf ball. The numbers, fairways, distance, and total driving were absurd. A testament to the work that Luke and Pat did on his preeminent short game.

Luke's won enough cash to provide lifetime income for his family. Time to step up into the absolute elites in the game by winning majors. I agree with Luke that his ball striking has to get better in order to accomplish that.
I was quite impressed on hearing about his schedule. Hour of lifting and then 6 hours of work on the range, chipping, and putting. I don't knock the need to have natural talent in order to become elite at any sport, but there are people that put in 40 weeks at sports and others that put in 4 hour weeks.... there's also the nice part about being able to put in 40 weeks at golf instead of working a day job and stopping at the range for an hour on the way home.