I don't think Mo is nearly as good offensively as Trae. Also, it's hard for me to tell whether Trae's defensive liability is a lack of effort thing (which it frequently looked like at OK, maybe because he was their entire offense on the other side) or a lack of ability thing (certainly his size and possibly durability is an issue). Neither one is good, but if it's the latter maybe it's more fixable. But I think Trae has a bit of an attitude problem too which is an issue - which became apparent at times in the second half of their season when they were struggling.
I think Trae is likely to go in the 8-15 range maybe? The back half of the lottery sort of. But honestly I wouldn't really want the Bulls to take him with their pick either, I think he's limited and could create chemistry issues. Sexton seems like better in many of those regards as a PG, but the big issue there is he can't shoot. The best players in this draft seem to be all the rangy large wings and bigs.