Most important game of the year


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2001
Shouldn't be, because I think Stanford would b1tch slap michigag. But it's the middle of the season, we're ranked, we're undefeated, Hard-blow mania at fever pitch. If we win, even if we lose a couple later, we will maintain a lot of notoriety and attention. Probably a top 10 ranking. Lose, and we'd basically have to win out to get back to that level, at least through the B1G CG.

I think Paddy will have them ready. As Joe Swanson would say, "this time NO MISTAKES"

I thought Joe Swanson was a paraplegic. What happened?

There was this episode where he got use of his legs back, i can't recall how, maybe stem cells or something. But he was an absolute a$$hole so they shot him in the legs/back/something and crippled him again.

Shouldn't be, because I think Stanford would b1tch slap michigag. But it's the middle of the season, we're ranked, we're undefeated, Hard-blow mania at fever pitch. If we win, even if we lose a couple later, we will maintain a lot of notoriety and attention. Probably a top 10 ranking. Lose, and we'd basically have to win out to get back to that level, at least through the B1G CG.

I think Paddy will have them ready. As Joe Swanson would say, "this time NO MISTAKES"

I respectfully disagree. Iowa is the biggest game of the year, both because of the implications for the Big 10 West and because it is homecoming with the 1995 team being honored. Winner probably wins the west irrespective of what happens against Uom.