Nicholson’s eye injury status?


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
Del Mar, CA
That was a pretty bad eye poke Matt received early in the game, it did not look good when they showed shots of Matt sitting on the bench. He was not able to return to play. Has anyone heard about the status of his eye injury and when he might be able to participate in practices and games again. How serious is his eye injury and what is the prospects for recovery?
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That was a pretty bad eye poke Matt received early in the game, it did not look good when they showed shots of Matt sitting on the bench. He was not able to return to play. Has anyone see a status about his eye and when he might be able to participate in practices and gsmes again. How serious is his eye injury and what is the prospects for recovery?
I was going to say the same thing. His affected eye seemed to be discolored when they zoomed in on him. I’m concerned. And UCLA has a very good big…
Because it is a double standard for the known teams and the up and comers
IA is not really in that "known team" category. If it was a blow to the head, pretty much the definition of a flagrant one, even if it is not intentional,
That was a pretty bad eye poke Matt received early in the game, it did not look good when they showed shots of Matt sitting on the bench. He was not able to return to play. Has anyone heard about the status of his eye injury and when he might be able to participate in practices and games again. How serious is his eye injury and what is the prospects for recovery?
It must say something about the priorities of the NCAA rule makers, when an accidental kick to the nuts (Leach) is an automatic flagrant, while a vicious swipe to the face that nearly blinded Nicholson is not even reviewed.
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It must say something about the priorities of the NCAA rule makers, when an accidental kick to the nuts (Leach) is an automatic flagrant, while a vicious swipe to the face that nearly blinded Nicholson is not even reviewed.
Yup the groin never actually injures anyone yet the penalty is absurd. And they are usually acccudental. Except for the Indiana groin kick, which was purposeful, and they didn’t throw him out
It must say something about the priorities of the NCAA rule makers, when an accidental kick to the nuts (Leach) is an automatic flagrant, while a vicious swipe to the face that nearly blinded Nicholson is not even reviewed.
an automatic ejection.