NU Recruiting Priorities

I suppose all my professors are dead now. Can't say I remember any of their names.

I'm your age and I can remember the names and research interests of all of my professors at Wheaton and Northwestern. Were you doing bong hits all through college? j/k
I'm your age and I can remember the names and research interests of all of my professors at Wheaton and Northwestern. Were you doing bong hits all through college? j/k

No, I was only there two years. My experience as a transfer student was less than stellar. I got my degree but the experience wasn't anything I care to remember. Small schools can be a very clique dominated culture. I'm actually a pretty social person but I couldn't break in.

I never enjoyed much about school from any angle.
I agree, and I went through the same thing when I went to grad school for my masters. It doesn't change the fact that he had to go back to grad school at Purdue to pick up the 3-4 courses he needed to become an aeronautical engineer. I had to take undergrad courses in limnology, benthic invertebrates, ichthyology, and plankton which are not available at NU or Wheaton College. If I had it to do all over again, I would have gone to a large state school for my BS degree. Not only do you get relevant coursework, but you are exposed to faculty and labs that jibe with your particular developing interests. That's a very nice thing.
When he was getting ready for college, likely did not know that he wanted AE. Also not sure that it is even 3 or 4 classes. That said, Boeing hired him so NU program did its job. Did Boeing send him back for those 2 courses or for a MS? If it was the latter, he did not really miss anything as the number of classes needed for the MS was likely not different
I had some friends in tech but they spent their time trying to get their computer programs to run with a huge stack of cards. Everyone else was aiming at business, medicine or law. The name of that game was enhance your GPA and enjoy life as an undergrad. NU was a fine place for such and the plan worked well for almost all. Other than lousy winter weather and a weak football team, NU was a great experience I wouldn't trade for anything, particularly some giant state school. And the football has started to look really good in the past few years.