OT - Titans vs Chiefs


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Nov 7, 2005
Nashville, TN
The Titans vs Chiefs game last night was a good example of what happens when a team with a one-dimensional and predictable offense -- even one with a decent defense and one of the best running backs ever to play the game -- collides with a team with an accurate and unpredictable passing attack (and at least a modest ability to run the ball). The Titans were fortunate even to make it to overtime.
The Titans vs Chiefs game last night was a good example of what happens when a team with a one-dimensional and predictable offense -- even one with a decent defense and one of the best running backs ever to play the game -- collides with a team with an accurate and unpredictable passing attack (and at least a modest ability to run the ball). The Titans were fortunate even to make it to overtime.
And yet that incredible accurate and unpredictable passing attack wasn't able to score more points in regulation than that one-dimensional and predictable offense. And needed an incredibly gutsy TD drive and 2-point conversion by the best quarterback in the game to even be in position to win by 3 in overtime.

I don't know if that game is the best example of the point you're trying to make.
And yet that incredible accurate and unpredictable passing attack wasn't able to score more points in regulation than that one-dimensional and predictable offense. And needed an incredibly gutsy TD drive and 2-point conversion by the best quarterback in the game to even be in position to win by 3 in overtime.

I don't know if that game is the best example of the point you're trying to make.

Very true. Now imagine if the Titans had had some sort of competent passing attack to go with Derrick Henry's running. They could have won, perhaps not "easily," but at least by more than a point in regulation. As it is, they struggled badly when they needed to move the ball downfield and preserve the clock.
Very true. Now imagine if the Titans had had some sort of competent passing attack to go with Derrick Henry's running. They could have won, perhaps not "easily," but at least by more than a point in regulation. As it is, they struggled badly when they needed to move the ball downfield and preserve the clock.
Imagine if we had a magic unicorn in my house that took my daughter to all of her important events and taught her the important lessons in life outside of TikTok. 🤷‍♂️

Or imagine if the Titans could have stopped that 2-point conversion. Then the narrative would be how a dominating running game neutralized the incredibly dynamic and unpredictable Chiefs passing attack.
Or imagine if the Titans could have stopped that 2-point conversion. Then the narrative would be how a dominating running game neutralized the incredibly dynamic and unpredictable Chiefs passing attack.
I think the narrative would be that the Titans' stingy defense came through in the clutch and made up for their single-faceted offensive attack.

But in real life, you get to watch the OT. And it wasn't pretty.
Chiefs D struggled early, but adjusted well. Henry did nothing in second half. Game showed what a really good D Line can do to a mediocre O Line.
Chiefs D struggled early, but adjusted well. Henry did nothing in second half. Game showed what a really good D Line can do to a mediocre O Line.
Game showed how to give your team a chance to win on the road against an elite NFL team with the best QB on the planet when you have one arm tied behind your back because you're playing a rookie back-up QB that is no threat to make plays in the passing game. How many times does any NFL team win under those circumstances?

Did you see the stat line at QB for the Titans? They were one dimensional for a reason. Which in turn made things pretty easy for the Chiefs on defense.

Kudos to the Titans for taking the Chiefs the distance. If they get Tannehill back playing to form, I like them in any rematch with the Chiefs.

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Did you see the stat line at QB for the Titans? They were one dimensional for a reason. Which in turn made things pretty easy for the Chiefs on defense.
Absolutely true. Although the Titans passing game is not great most years. Mariota was supposed to change that, but it didn't happen.

>> Kudos to the Titans for taking the Chiefs the distance. If they get Tannehill back playing to form, I like them in any rematch with the Chiefs.

Titans will have an uphill battle if they even make the playoffs. They've not been very forthcoming about Tannehill's injury or when he'll be back, AFAIK. Sound familiar?