Our bench...


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2009
Was absolutely phenomenal today. When Law got hurt and Lindsey picked up his fourth when we were down by multiple posessions, I expected us to be toast based on bench play to date. Instead, out bench rose to the occasion, not only holding serve but taking the lead! Even on defense, there was no noticeable dropoff with our two best defenders out.

Truly proud of the way Brown, Gaines, and Ash in particular played today.
Was absolutely phenomenal today. When Law got hurt and Lindsey picked up his fourth when we were down by multiple posessions, I expected us to be toast based on bench play to date. Instead, out bench rose to the occasion, not only holding serve but taking the lead! Even on defense, there was no noticeable dropoff with our two best defenders out.

Truly proud of the way Brown, Gaines, and Ash in particular played today.

Most definitely, Mike! I was sitting with Hungry Jack today, and at around the 7:00 mark of the 2nd half, I turned to him and said "I think this might be the first time ever that we're in a 1-point dogfight late in the 2nd half, and both Ash and Brown are on the court at the same time." Man they showed up big today! Ash's 5 points came at absolutely crucial moments.
Most definitely, Mike! I was sitting with Hungry Jack today, and at around the 7:00 mark of the 2nd half, I turned to him and said "I think this might be the first time ever that we're in a 1-point dogfight late in the 2nd half, and both Ash and Brown are on the court at the same time." Man they showed up big today! Ash's 5 points came at absolutely crucial moments.

Ash seems to have found his outside shot of late, which is a welcome sight...
Was absolutely phenomenal today. When Law got hurt and Lindsey picked up his fourth when we were down by multiple posessions, I expected us to be toast based on bench play to date. Instead, out bench rose to the occasion, not only holding serve but taking the lead! Even on defense, there was no noticeable dropoff with our two best defenders out.

Truly proud of the way Brown, Gaines, and Ash in particular played today.
Total studs! We need more Brown out there. He is the fast guy on the team and a great shoooter! He does get his shots blocked a bit too much though.
What about Ash?
Ash needs to start and play 25 minutes along with Mac. I think Brown needs more minutes. We need his athleticism! These power five teams have too much speed for Skelly/Falzon. Heck,even Scottie loses position when he gets tired. Scottie is our second best player but he can only play 25 minutes without getting gassed! I want Brown more,maybe less Gaines, who is turnover prone.