Remember when after last year


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Sep 6, 2006
A bunch of you were talking about the BB program being in so much better shape than the FB program? Others of us were saying not so fast but were sort of drowned out. Where did you all go?
I wasn't one of those people because I think to argue either is a useless pursuit.

I do think that nothing has changed since last year. Perhaps bball is up a slight tick because of recruiting.
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Me too. How wrong I was. Mea culpa.

I am one of those too. Still, I would like to sit back at look at a 5 year window starting with last year. Let's then examine the winning percentages and achievements. I think FB has some problems ahead with SoS plus QB concerns and the ever disappearing OL. I also think this season in bball is due to a myriad of unusual problems: a foreign home arena, a personality issue, a coaching failure in not establish a clear single leader/captain, injuries and paying hurt.

When I look at the roster for next year, I have great enthusiasm. We lose Mac and another bench guy and another guy that has been an enigma throughout his time at NU. I see Lathom stepping in for Mac and some real PT battles up and down the lineup with two starting spots wide open. I think only Lathom, Law, Pardon and Benson have their spots etched in stone - and Lathom only out of necessity.

For all that we should have seen this year, I think next year has even more potential. The real question for me is whether it was a bad recruit or late bloomer: RI, Falzon, Brown. Give me one success story from that group next year and I think we will be well situated again. Although, an injury to Lathom = injury to Mac these past four years and you can turn off the lights. We really need to have two primary ballhandlers on the roster...
Me too. How wrong I was. Mea culpa.
I think BB will be fine. But I had a problem when it was presented as the more viable program. The most problematic part was comparing them on unequal basis. I look at FB as a program that has had multiple BIG winning seasons. A 5-4 BIG record that we had last year is basically the same as a the 10-8 in BB we had last year and that was the first time we had reached that level. Meanwhile FB has had multiple 5-3, 5-4 and even 6-2 and now 7-2 (the equiv of a 14-4 BIG BB season or 15-16 wins when we go to 20 BIG games) seasons in the BIG. Just saying BB has a ways to go before it exceeds what FB has done. I look forward to the day it reaches that level but it hasn't yet and the suggestions that it had passed FB were, shall we say, premature.
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I am one of those too. Still, I would like to sit back at look at a 5 year window starting with last year. Let's then examine the winning percentages and achievements. I think FB has some problems ahead with SoS plus QB concerns and the ever disappearing OL. I also think this season in bball is due to a myriad of unusual problems: a foreign home arena, a personality issue, a coaching failure in not establish a clear single leader/captain, injuries and paying hurt.

When I look at the roster for next year, I have great enthusiasm. We lose Mac and another bench guy and another guy that has been an enigma throughout his time at NU. I see Lathom stepping in for Mac and some real PT battles up and down the lineup with two starting spots wide open. I think only Lathom, Law, Pardon and Benson have their spots etched in stone - and Lathom only out of necessity.

For all that we should have seen this year, I think next year has even more potential. The real question for me is whether it was a bad recruit or late bloomer: RI, Falzon, Brown. Give me one success story from that group next year and I think we will be well situated again. Although, an injury to Lathom = injury to Mac these past four years and you can turn off the lights. We really need to have two primary ballhandlers on the roster...
My money is on brown out of that group. Showed me a lot potential on his defense this year. Just waiting for his head to full catch up and he has played smarter this year than last year. RI problem injuries so we could never know same with Falzon. Next year could be interesting I agree with you. Really interested to see who starts alongside Law Pardon and Lanton. (btw I am also really high on Benson and see the thing limiting him is how good Pardon is)
A bunch of you were talking about the BB program being in so much better shape than the FB program? Others of us were saying not so fast but were sort of drowned out. Where did you all go?
I honestly think both are in a similar spot just think of this basketball season as last years football season. Both sports have recruiting classes I am excited about and both look to be solid for the future.
So are we going to do this again if a Thorson-less team goes 4-8 and Lathon is everyone's favorite freshman PG?
Can I just say that if even one of our big 2 teams is good every year, that is waaaay better than it used to be.
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A bunch of you were talking about the BB program being in so much better shape than the FB program? Others of us were saying not so fast but were sort of drowned out. Where did you all go?

I'm still here, and I'll continue to be until all the teams are announced an we don't hear our names called on Selection Sunday. It's fitting that you reference the football team, because everyone was completely down on them after the Duke loss and the early BIG 10 losses. The message: don't give up so early into conference play.

Let's beat Minny.,
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i am shocked it turned out the way it has.kudos to the FB seniors who turned it around when their season started with question marks. shame on our seniors who let it crumble away.