Saddiq Bey intro/update

Pretty clear from this video why he's landing offers left and right

I just can't see NU offering this kid since he doesn't play a specific position. ;)
Who has suggested that a multi-position player shouldn't/wouldn't be offered by NU???
In all team sports there are players capable of playing well more than one position. That is obviously a strength, not a weakness. Specific terminology is sometimes used to describe such players ("athletes" in FB, combo guards/swingmen/wings in BkB, etc).

The mistake is to assume that EVERY player who belongs to a sub-category that includes several traditional positions can in fact play each of those positions well. A "combo guard" should be able to play PG and SG well. But every guard is NOT a "combo guard". Same for "wings" (not every SG or sF can play both positions well). Etc.
I just can't see NU offering this kid since he doesn't play a specific position. ;)

Reminds me of this gem from Coach K when talking to the press about Kyle Singler last year
"Kyle has been … you know, what position does he play?” Krzyzewski asked.” He plays ‘winner.’"