Right winger who works in this exact part of the energy industry here. If every single rich person in the state bought a power wall, it wouldn't even come close to providing the capacity for grid scale storage that you're talking about with EVs. I'm not going to start throwing kwh calculations out there, but you're literally orders of magnitude short. Commercial/industrial microgrids and tiny home batteries are cool and have a wide variety of very good and economic uses and should be and are deploying a lot, but it's not even close to solving California's broader shortage problems, much less being able to take on the load for drastically expanded EVs. To give you just one idea of the type of problem microgrids CAN and are solving today in California, rural communities whose long powerlines have caused wildfires and blackouts are building microgrids with distributed generation in to A> lower the long-term distribution costs of the very long range transmission and B> avoid multi-day operator blackouts during adverse wind conditions necessitated by the need to avoid more wildfires.Right winger here...
The fear of electric cars overwhelming the grid is probably way overblown.
Presumably, a large number of people with them will also have ice cars as well. And a significant number of those will have a power wall and in California rooftop solar...it would be almost a no brainer if you have the upfront cash.
With a virtual power grid the sponsoring 'utility' will pay to suck power from the power wall and distribute it where needed.
With a fully charged ev, they could even suck power from the ev attache to the power wall.
The current virtual grids typically allow you to set how much of your power they can suck out to distribute.
EVs may actually stabilize the grid on the production side.
It is my understanding that the problem at Stanford was on the distribution side, which EVs have nothing to do with
EVs are very cool and powerful. The short answer to this question is your EV is not allowed to charge during peak hours, probably from about noon to 9, maybe longer. The longer answer is... it's a massive issue.
All that said, **** Stanford! The PAC12 is so broke, they can't even have class. Come to NU, kids!