If the last five years is what "sucks at recruiting" is like, I'll take sucks at recruiting.
Ok, let's examine:
Current - none
This fall - Kopp, Nance & Young - two real promising and one project
Last fall - Gaines - Promising prospect (has not yet arrived)
Prior fall - Benson, Brown & RI - one guy that some people like, others do not (still has two years though), other two guys gone and non factors
Before them - Falzon, Pardon & Ash -
one stud, one disappointment so far, one guy that has one huge fan and...
let's go one more - Vassar, Lindsey, Mac, Skelly, Law - one guy gone, non-factor,
one stud, one guy had a great year and other inconsequential ones, one quality bench player and one guy who hasn't exactly carried the team, had some great games, disappeared at times and has a last chance to show he was worth all the stars
The koolaiders can attack me instead of discussing the message. I am not a CCC hater, I'm just calling what I see. I think we caught lightning in a bottle two years ago. Lindsey does not project that kind of play based on the other years at NU. Mac had one of his stronger years from start to finish. Lumpkin was important, Tap played a role. Pardon was a beast. All the main pieces remained: Mac, Lindsey, Law, Pardon - plus a soph Falzon, soph Benson, etc - for them to repeat last year. I call it a lucky year as I look back now.
I look at the team as constructed: patchwork of transfers, one glaring empty schollie, only "true" PG is an incoming, re-classified frosh, a huge get frosh that our true insider says is not ready for the B!G, no backup guards except a guy that has one huge fan. Law has not shown he can be the man for a season. Summer is ending and no 13th player and nobody in the following class despite a renovated arena.
Then I look at the offers on 247 - and the big names are disappearing and the replacements aren't too different in nature to those we were accustomed to seeing in the old days. Maybe the skying isn't falling, but I think it is a fair topic for conversation. Unless you want to sit and watch the crickets chirp on this forum... ok, maybe you do. Maybe this reality scares you too and another cup of koolaid while hiding under the covers might help...