Students are almost nonexistent

I mean fundamentally I agree that more student and alumni support is needed, but I also think that the campus has proved that it will mobilize in the right circumstances. The OSU Gameday football game a couple years was absolutely absurd to be at; I've never had such a hard time finding a spot in the student section and that was great. I've gone to a few basketball games that were way beyond capacity. That was also great, and it should happen more often.

Sure, the fans might have come out more in the 70's and 80's for teams that were far worse and I understand that is frustrating, but as has been mentioned, the climate of being a sports fan and a student in general has changed. I mean, the internet exists now for one. And we have seen competent teams. Its a lot different to sarcastically lake the posts during a huge losing streak than it is to go from NIT contention/Gameday appearances to mediocrity again.

But, i think very little of this has to do with nerdiness. I've seen kids reading orgo books in the bleachers, and most greek life social events are incompatible with weeknight games. I'm sure the amount of foreign students hurts attendance, as basketball isn't very popular overseas, but if you want to start attacking that population, this thread will definitely have to be deleted, buried, and its ashes tossed into the lake.
Originally posted by wickerpark wildcat:

Originally posted by Gladeskat:

It's about time NU started deducting GPA points for students who don't ever attend basketball games. Call them life point deductions.
Agree wholeheartedly. But why stop there? I am an alum and an adjunct at NU.... I have a book out and almost none of the students have bought it. How can they not support one of their own, like me? They should definitely be deducted points for that. I mean, people that don't spend their time and money according to my personal tastes are just jerks and nerd turds. BTW, Glades please let me know if you plan to buy my book on Amazon or send me a check and I can send you an autographed copy.
Tell you what...send me an autographed free copy of your book and I'll send you an autographed free copy of mine. Afterall, attending NU athletic events is free for NU students.

This post was edited on 2/26 2:23 PM by Gladeskat
Originally posted by thewildcat2011:
"I know you are, but what am I?" Classic. Sorry I hit a little too close to home for you--I'm sure she was a beautiful, special girl.

I'll gladly get you some beer and pot next time you're in town. It'll be just like the glory days.
LOL! You're the one stealing my words! ( in hirsute PETA wenches).

Try to score some Ecstasy if you can. It'll remind me of the wild (and glorious
) parties the RadioTVFilm guys used to have back in the day.
Originally posted by Mr. Stupor:
Southport: do yourself a favor and quit denying the obvious. They don't show up. They have a million better reasons to show up than when we did. But because our student body has changed, these kids are different. This is a discussion board, not a structured debate. You can accept my example re: the types of students we now admit or not. Thats up to you. But if you choose to ignore it, that's just sticking your head in the sand. And if you love NU sports, sooner or later the fact that in the last 20 years or so we've accepted more and more kids who don't (and never did) give a damn about sports just might get you thinking about the future alumni base of this school and its willingness to support NU Athletics. Then maybe the lightbulb will go off in your head - and you'll realize why I won't shut up about this just bacause you don't want to hear it. Thee kids are us in 30 years and if they don't care now, they'll care even less then. There's a price to be paid for attempting to increase your academic cache by accepting one dimensional nerds and that's the price: They don't show up for games and they sure as heck won't buy season tickets or donate to the program down the road. The irony of it all, of course, is that this wouldn't be happening but for the 1995 football team! Talk about no good deed going unpunished.
I am finding nothing about your premise cogent or compelling.

If the team wins, students of all shapes, sizes, and interests will happily make the effort to show up. Period, end of debate.

Would it be cool if NU had a student body with more fervor for the football and basketball teams? Absolutely. Does their relative lack of interest impact my personal enjoyment of the teams as an alum? No. Does the low campus-wide interest impact recruiting in a tangible way? Doubtful to me, and difficult to quantify if you believe the other way. Any HS player for whom the campus sports atmosphere is a major determining factor is unlikely to have NU as a contender. Not now, not ever. This has not changed in the last twenty years.
"I've seen kids reading orgo books in the bleachers, and most greek life social events are incompatible with weeknight games [Editor's note: no, they're not]. I'm sure the amount of foreign students hurts attendance..."

Case closed. Contradict yourself much?
This post was edited on 2/26 2:11 PM by Mr. Stupor
Yes, it has changed in the last 20 years. After 1995, applications jumped massively, and the university used that demand to try to increase its academic standing, and started cherry-picking the nerdiest nerds it could find, lifetime last-kids-picked-in-gym and perpetual dodgeball targets who have hated sports ever since.
Originally posted by Mr. Stupor:
Yes, it has changed in the last 20 years. After 1995, applications jumped massively, and the university used that demand to try to increase its academic standing, and started cherry-picking the nerdiest nerds it could find, lifetime last-kids-picked-in-gym and perpetual dodgeball targets who have hated sports ever since.
All NU has to do is reject any student who did not play a sport in high school. Weed out the nerd turds from the start. Making sports event attendance a one credit course would also help.
Originally posted by Mr. Stupor:
Yes, it has changed in the last 20 years. After 1995, applications jumped massively, and the university used that demand to try to increase its academic standing, and started cherry-picking the nerdiest nerds it could find, lifetime last-kids-picked-in-gym and perpetual dodgeball targets who have hated sports ever since.
You are mixing my posts and points with those of other posters on the board.

What I said hasn't changed is the likelihood of a recruit choosing NU based on the low level of sports interest on the campus. In 1995 NU was not the sort of campus you chose if a hardcore gameday experience was your bag, and I think that statement holds true in 2015 as well.

I guess I am unclear about what has you upset. You think that a part of selecting a B10 school as an undergrad is making some sort of covenant to attend and enthusiastically support the sports teams, regardless of their quality? And you are of the belief that NU's administration has prioritized students who value academics over athletics, thus compromising student attendance at games?
I thought so.

Originally posted by thewildcat2011:
Thought you'd pick up on it!
It sounded too familiar. There aren't many taxonomists among NU grads. The ones I know like glabrous females.
To put some numbers out there:

We had 12,918 applications in 1995, 15,620 in 1996, and 16,674 in 1997. We then went back down to between 14,200-16,235 until 2007. Apps have risen every year since 2007.

Recently, there were 33,200 applications in 2014. The common app. has had a much greater effect in driving application numbers than any sports team.

From 1994 up until 2007, we used let in between 29-40% of applicants. Now it's about 13.9%.

This is a trend mirrored by every single school in our peer group. Apps up, number of students accepted steady, acceptance rate way down.

Our ACT scores (25th-75th percentiles) over that period of time have risen by 2 points.

This post was edited on 2/26 3:04 PM by thewildcat2011
Looks like somebody's girlfriend to me. Oh wait, none of you guys have one... at least not one you'll admit to in public...
Stupor, I will have to agree with you that NU's student body has changed and will add a note that may back up your theory, somewhat. I've noticed that NU is one of the few schools in Div. 1 that does not have male cheerleaders. I asked a past cheerleader awhile ago why and was informed that they couldn't get any guys interested. I'm not one to watch the cheerleaders all that much but have noticed they have trouble putting together their prymids and have no one who can carry the large NU flag onto the field or BB court before games. Maybe it's time to offer schlorships for cheerleading and band or at least offer some class credit. I understand that years ago all music majors were required to participate in the marching band for at least one year and although the band was then all male it was larger then bands currenly marching for NU.
What I'm saying is that after 1995, NU saw an opportunity to increase its academic profile due to its free publicity from athletics and seized on it by increasing its nerd quotient, contrary to its long history of not being a nerd factory. The history of NU is not as a Carnegie Mellon or any of the other nerd schools with "tech" in their name. We took the best and brightest - in the conjunctive. Smart kids? Yes. Future leaders? Yes. Socially competent? Yes. Capable of BOTH being a face guy for somebody after college OR going to to med school or law school or a PhD in whatever? Yes.

But not anymore. Fight ithe messenger instead of the message all you want. It doesn't change the reality and the reality is we've Harvey Mudded this school to its detriment. And THAT, more than the Internet or access to cable TV, is an issue unique to NU. So stop blaming stuff that affects every school because I'm speaking in relative terms, not about tides that lift or lower all ships.
oddly refreshing

There's something incomprehensible but oddly refreshing about a man apparently in his 60s having a jocks versus nerds argument. It's nice to have proof, once again, that dudes stop their mental growth at 13.
Originally posted by Mr. Stupor:
What I'm saying is that after 1995, NU saw an opportunity to increase its academic profile due to its free publicity from athletics and seized on it by increasing its nerd quotient, contrary to its long history of not being a nerd factory. The history of NU is not as a Carnegie Mellon or any of the other nerd schools with "tech" in their name. We took the best and brightest - in the conjunctive. Smart kids? Yes. Future leaders? Yes. Socially competent? Yes. Capable of BOTH being a face guy for somebody after college OR going to to med school or law school or a PhD in whatever? Yes.

But not anymore. Fight ithe messenger instead of the message all you want. It doesn't change the reality and the reality is we've Harvey Mudded this school to its detriment. And THAT, more than the Internet or access to cable TV, is an issue unique to NU. So stop blaming stuff that affects every school because I'm speaking in relative terms, not about tides that lift or lower all ships.
Would you please shut up and take your inane argument with you? You're making an absolute ass out of yourself and devaluing the quality of an NU degree by posting as an alum. There, now I'm going back to the Other Sports board where my blood pressure remains more stable...
Keep it up. I can take it. Come with watching folks refuse to accept the obvious.
By the way, I'm right here at the ladies' game as the score is 27-18 at the time out after Maggie's 3 if you'd like to discuss this further off the board.
Originally posted by DocCatsFan:

Originally posted by Mr. Stupor:
What I'm saying is that after 1995, NU saw an opportunity to increase its academic profile due to its free publicity from athletics and seized on it by increasing its nerd quotient, contrary to its long history of not being a nerd factory. The history of NU is not as a Carnegie Mellon or any of the other nerd schools with "tech" in their name. We took the best and brightest - in the conjunctive. Smart kids? Yes. Future leaders? Yes. Socially competent? Yes. Capable of BOTH being a face guy for somebody after college OR going to to med school or law school or a PhD in whatever? Yes.

But not anymore. Fight ithe messenger instead of the message all you want. It doesn't change the reality and the reality is we've Harvey Mudded this school to its detriment. And THAT, more than the Internet or access to cable TV, is an issue unique to NU. So stop blaming stuff that affects every school because I'm speaking in relative terms, not about tides that lift or lower all ships.
Would you please shut up and take your inane argument with you? You're making an absolute ass out of yourself and devaluing the quality of an NU degree by posting as an alum. There, now I'm going back to the Other Sports board where my blood pressure remains more stable...
The NU degree is constantly being devalued on this board. Sheesh, another NU alum apparently is unaware that lakeshore erosion occurs along all shorelines of lakes where there are unconsolidated soils, not just those that are on the leeward side of prevailing winds. How can someone be so completely ignorant of this fact after attending a University on the shore of a Great Lake?

Maybe it's time for me to go to the Other Sports board to raise some blood pressures.
OK, Glades, since my last little time out for saying the word "Asian" and and "nerd" in the same paragraph, I have to admit that I've taken you off Ignore. And as usual, since you take both sides of everything or only speak tongue in cheek, I have no idea what you are saying. Quit being such a wuss and speak your mind. I know you think every watt of electricity is a watt wasted that could be better utilized incubating bug larvae, but beyond that, yes or no: bigger nerds now than then? Conscious decision by NU to take advantage of sports notoriety, or mere random accident? Kids and parents of kids denying the obvious, or so clueless they honestly don't know what's going on?
Originally posted by Mr. Stupor:
OK, Glades, since my last little time out for saying the word "Asian" and and "nerd" in the same paragraph, I have to admit that I've taken you off Ignore. And as usual, since you take both sides of everything or only speak tongue in cheek, I have no idea what you are saying. Quit being such a wuss and speak your mind. I know you think every watt of electricity is a watt wasted that could be better utilized incubating bug larvae, but beyond that, yes or no: bigger nerds now than then? Conscious decision by NU to take advantage of sports notoriety, or mere random accident? Kids and parents of kids denying the obvious, or so clueless they honestly don't know what's going on?
I think it's pretty obvious. I think there is a higher density and purity of Nerds at NU these days than 30 years ago, and NU was nerd-dense back then as well. I think now, as I did back then, that it's a product of more selective admissions and not enough attention to jock-worthiness. So long as the school is focused upon reductionist biology and nanotechnology rather than looking at larger biological and engineering scales, NU will continue to be filled with DNA-dorks and dodgeball fodder.
Thank you. When you and I agree on something like this, it's obvius that all these nerds need to shut the heck up and admit they're so blinded by their neediness they need to just shut the heck up and get back in the library where they belong. Case CLOSED.
My favorite part about NU seizing the opportunity in 1995 to drastically change their admission standards is how the standards stayed the same until 2007. And even then, the numbers changed in the same way they did for everyone else. Kind of like a rising tide lifts all boats!

You can make the argument that we have an increased nerd quotient if you want, but to place the start at 1995 is a stretch.

I guess it's possible that in 1995 NU decided to target nerd turds with the exact same scores as those well-rounded All-American boys you love so much, but why would they do that?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Mr. Stupor:
Thank you. When you and I agree on something like this, it's obvius that all these nerds need to shut the heck up and admit they're so blinded by their neediness they need to just shut the heck up and get back in the library where they belong. Case CLOSED.
This all stems from our student attendance being bad, right? That's happening almost everywhere, even in some places that are historical hoops juggernauts. This isn't as much about NU students being disinterested in sports as much as it is about college students in general becoming less interested in sports. I mean, that noted nerd school Arizona State can't fill a basketball student section with an enrollment of 50,000.

I was a student from 95-99. People loved the football games because the team was good (well, until '97 but the habit was formed by that point) and it was an event. Between the game and some pregame/postgame activities you're looking at like a 7 or 8 hour day out with your friends. Basketball games were just an annoyance. I went because I was in the band, but none of my friends (who mostly were sports fans to some extent) wanted to go because it was a pain in the ass to schlep up there in the winter just for a 2 hour game that was probably not going to go well for us. Weeknight games were tough because people had work to do. Saturday night games weren't good because most of my friends chose to just start in on some beers at 7 than go to the game. The few times we had good student turnout in my day were usually Saturday afternoons. Although honestly, for my 2 years of Ricky Byrdsong, I don't really remember there being ANY student section at all. At least my last 2 years there was a group of guys trying to get a section together and there were some good crowds for the 98-99 NIT season. A few of my friends even went that year, which was a change from previous years when my suggestions of going to a basketball game were met with "why would we want to do that?" It was actually the opposite attitude of what Stupor suggests. Going to basketball games was viewed as beneath people with a social life, and the students who did show up were mostly of the superficially nerdy variety.
Nice try (at salvaging your non-nerdiness). Too bad this is over. You can spout all you want about anything post 1995 and all the justifications and rationalizations of non-nerd status your 200 IQ can conjure up. None of it matters. Because the better your argument, the more you make the point! You literally CANNOT win. Even the perfect argument is a loser because it just proves how nerdy you are! How's that for a catch-22? Not that your argument is any good. Far from it. But if it was, it would just prove the exact opposite of what you're arguing...

As I said, case CLOSED.
Originally posted by Mr. Stupor:
OK, Glades, since my last little time out for saying the word "Asian" and and "nerd" in the same paragraph, I have to admit that I've taken you off Ignore. And as usual, since you take both sides of everything or only speak tongue in cheek, I have no idea what you are saying. Quit being such a wuss and speak your mind. I know you think every watt of electricity is a watt wasted that could be better utilized incubating bug larvae, but beyond that, yes or no: bigger nerds now than then? Conscious decision by NU to take advantage of sports notoriety, or mere random accident? Kids and parents of kids denying the obvious, or so clueless they honestly don't know what's going on?
Probably because you've had me on ignore, you seem unaware that I've been battling pesky NU nerds for several weeks over my referring to NU nerds who don't attend athletic events as "nerd turds". They've been swarming like dog pecker gnats...Hmm...they're dog pecker nerds, swarming in defense of nerd turds.

With the density and diversity of nerds at NU these days, the campus should be declared a nerd unwildlife sanctuary.
Should I jump in the middle and get pelted by the muck flying in all directions in this thread?

Well, next year, the student section almost certainly loses one of its diehards from the last six years...
Originally posted by Mr. Stupor:
OK, Glades, since my last little time out for saying the word "Asian" and and "nerd" in the same paragraph, I have to admit that I've taken you off Ignore. And as usual, since you take both sides of everything or only speak tongue in cheek, I have no idea what you are saying. Quit being such a wuss and speak your mind. I know you think every watt of electricity is a watt wasted that could be better utilized incubating bug larvae, but beyond that, yes or no: bigger nerds now than then? Conscious decision by NU to take advantage of sports notoriety, or mere random accident? Kids and parents of kids denying the obvious, or so clueless they honestly don't know what's going on?
You were given a "time out" from this board? Since I don't recall more than several hours elapsing between your posts, mind blown.