This Confirms Wrigley Games Are Great

One of the funniest things I've ever read. Hope I bump into him sometime so I can educate him about how horrible football is at Wrigley.

It’s all about your perspective…

There was a person coming to a new village, re-locating, and he was wondering if he would like it there, so he went to the zen master and asked: do you think I will like it in this village?
Are the people nice?
The master asked back: "How were the people on the town where you come from?"
"They were nasty and greedy, they were angry and lived for cheating and stealing said the newcomer."
"Those are exactly the type of people we have in this village", said the master.
Another newcomer to the village visited the master and asked the same question, to which the master asked, "How were the people in the town where you come from?"
“They were sweet and lived in harmony, they cared for one another and for the land, they respected each other and they were seekers of spirit,” he replied.
"Those are exactly the type of people we have in this village", said the master.'