What's laughable is the notion that we can't celebrate a win, but still be objective about the team's flaws. Anyone who think Thorson had a decent game must have been watching a different game. We won in spite of poor QB play. He's gonna get better. Fine. And everyone is happy we won. But, let's not sugarcoat things. Thorson doesn't need to be a gunslinger. But, we need him to make the easy throws to open WR's (Shuler on that last drive before the muffed return) and not make INT's. He didn't do that today.
This all said. WHAT A DEFENSE! And the RB unit is deep, thank goodness. It's a good combination for the D.
The kid has played three 'effing games! It was his first time on the road in a hostile environment. I believe he'll get better. I can remember when a lot of you on this board said Kafka would never be able to throw, either, and don't even try to deny that.