We had TrueNU's Jacob Schmidt on this week's pod


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Hey Gang,

Just wanted to inform anyone who didn't know already that this week's WLP episode features an interview with Jacob Schmidt of TrueNU!

Louie has published several great interviews with Jacob already, but give this week's pod a listen and you'll hear just how enthusiastic this dude is about the NIL effort! Fountain of info, and he's happy to deliver it!

Sam, John, and Scuzz/The West Lot Pirates
[duplicate post from The Rock, but it bears repeating]

For anyone who hasn't listed to the pod yet, I highly recommend it. Schmidt had lots of great insight on NIL that I have never heard before (from any source), and put my mind a little more at ease at NU's place in the modern college athletic landscape.

The only thing I was hoping for from the podcast was little bit more reaction/analysis after the interview. I would have loved to hear a little more "reading between the lines" and speculation based on what Schmidt said, rather than just restating points that were said during the interview. But I'm nitpicking - great work, @westlotpirates !
Great episode guys. Thanks for getting him on.

I understand not wanting to put him on the spot, but I’m just a little curious how he figures out how much a particular player is worth to the team without communicating with the team.
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Great episode guys. Thanks for getting him on.

I understand not wanting to put him on the spot, but I’m just a little curious how he figures out how much a particular player is worth to the team without communicating with the team.
Haven’t listened, but I assume that TrueNU and the football program don’t coordinate just like PACs don’t coordinate with campaigns.*

*they coordinate, always, duh