You gotta be kidding: Jeremy Larkin retiring from football

I also fear that we could get crushed against Michigan. But I'm giving up on our team just yet, turk.

You're still an F, as in Fake.
The defense has to step up. Hopefully, it doesnt get worn out.
The front 7 are capable and have to make huge plays. The back 4 may get picked on deep though.
Best wishes to Jeremy. As hard as this must be to him, I'm grateful that this is how his condition was discovered; while he was still healthy and what ever treatment he can receive will not be complicated by a serious, perhaps life threatening injury.
What a devastating thing for the young man, just as he was coming into his own on the field, but it's great this was caught now as NU is facing some rough defenses over the next few weeks and an accumulation of hard hits could have resulted in serious injury. Good luck to Jeremy in the future.