Let the QB speculation intensify!


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Aug 22, 2017
Which of our backups is the one throwing about 20 seconds into this video? Looks like Whittaker is looking on.

I have to admit that If HJ started against Purdue as a last minute surprise, it would be an incredibly giddy moment for me and a huge sports news bomb on the opening game of P5 football. Just think of the QB controversy that would follow if he did well.
I have to admit that If HJ started against Purdue as a last minute surprise, it would be an incredibly giddy moment for me and a huge sports news bomb on the opening game of P5 football. Just think of the QB controversy that would follow if he did well.

Well considering that’s impossible, it certainly would be surprising to me, too.
I think it is Hunter Johnson (15) based on the jersey number, but he can't play this year due to transfer rules. Doesn't look like Jason Whittaker (7), TJ Green (10), Aidan Smith (11) or Andrew Marty (13).

Not surprising, since Hunter's allowed to practice, just not play in games.
Well considering that’s impossible, it certainly would be surprising to me, too.
I was going off of what was said in another thread about changes to the transfer rules that might allow him to play. I only know what people post on these boards, usually.
In his post-practice media interview, Fitz seems to indicate that TJ is the 2nd string right now, followed by a neck-and-neck race between Aiden and Marty for the 3rd spot.
In his post-practice media interview, Fitz seems to indicate that TJ is the 2nd string right now, followed by a neck-and-neck race between Aiden and Marty for the 3rd spot.

Surprise, surprise!

So much for all the talk that TJ Green had no chance to be the next guy up.
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I figured his knee would have a brace, but if he wants to wear it there who am I to argue.
Especially on the first day of practice when there is an additional dose of adrenaline. If it is comfortable enough maybe he wears something against Purdue. Who knows with all the light weight tech out there he may try half a dozen braces in practice.
Especially on the first day of practice when there is an additional dose of adrenaline. If it is comfortable enough maybe he wears something against Purdue. Who knows with all the light weight tech out there he may try half a dozen braces in practice.

It's a near certainty that he will wear a brace throughout the season.
Surprise, surprise!

So much for all the talk that TJ Green had no chance to be the next guy up.

While I was not part of the debate, I don't remember anyone saying that TJ had no chance of being the next man up. What I do remember people saying is that if TJ is the next man up, then it says a lot more about the scholarship QBs we have recruited than it does about TJ. Both of these positions are up for debate but I don't see how TJ's rumored status on the depth chart supports either of these positions.
While I was not part of the debate, I don't remember anyone saying that TJ had no chance of being the next man up. What I do remember people saying is that if TJ is the next man up, then it says a lot more about the scholarship QBs we have recruited than it does about TJ. Both of these positions are up for debate but I don't see how TJ's rumored status on the depth chart supports either of these positions.

Not sure the exact words were "no chance" but a number of people were basically telling anyone who mentioned the possibility of a walk-on becoming a starter to shut up about the exceptions. It was pretty clear what they meant as to the chances they were giving Green.
Not sure the exact words were "no chance" but a number of people were basically telling anyone who mentioned the possibility of a walk-on becoming a starter to shut up about the exceptions. It was pretty clear what they meant as to the chances they were giving Green.

I know what the exact words were:

Green makes some nice throws, but I'm not convinced he has the arm to consistently fit the ball into the tight windows as should be expected of a starter at the P5 level; I've also heard that 6-2 would be an extremely, um, optimistic height from those who have physically stood next to him. I know his dad was a late-bloomer and all so he could very well have grown some since I heard that, but I haven't seen anything noticeable from him on the sideline or in limited game action. Mostly his high school tape looks like a guy about whom you should be extremely excited as a walk-on (and I was and still am), but very skeptical about as a potential multi-year starter.

So, if you want to wrap it all up: if Thorson isn't ready/able to go for the 2018 opener, my guess is Marty is the starter given what I have seen on tape/heard from practices and based on the coaching staff's past decision to pick the lesser-experienced, higher-ceiling guy in a similar situation.

Look, I'm all for Green surprising me to become the starter in 2018 and leading the team on our upward trajectory because it will mean he's taken tremendous strides to become a solid P5/B1G-level QB... but feel like Marty probably gives us a better chance long-term.

Of course all that was before Johnson’s transfer.
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So we're not only losing hope for an obviously talented but inexperienced QB, but also bypassing the other scholarship QBs to pin our hopes on a walk-on true freshman?

This fan base is amazing.

And Aidan Smith. But you're really going to be disappointed if TJ Green doesn't beat out Alviti for the back up spot? Prepare for some significant disappointment.

Why the continued hostility to walk-ons? You sneered at the potential of T.J. Green last year and have now come out for a cameo in relation to this year's crop. NU has nothing to lose with walk-ons. At best, they become meaningful contributors on and off the field, including in the realm of recruiting. At worst, they add competitive depth to the practice squad and help make everyone a better player.

He's not being hostile to walk ons at all. He's hostile to the idea that we rely on walk ons to become meaningful contributors on the field. That's not a knock on the walk on, but a comment on the failure of the scholarship guys above them who didn't work out as planned. And honestly, if TJ Green ever plays a meaningful role on the field in Big Ten play, we're in a lot of trouble. Again, that's not being negative to TJ, but the fact that every scholarship QB in front of him is either injured or sucks.

Where am I being hostile? I love walk-on's and think they're an integral part of any program, just usually not on Saturdays.

Most likely Alviti, though could always change with a graduate transfer (maybe even after spring practices if Smith seems to have an inside track on the backup spot).

Smith likely the #3, Yates as #4/emergency, Marty taking a redshirt, and Green/Kubuik continuing to run the scout team.

TJ Green is not a viable option.

I understand that, but don’t think he’s a viable option as a starting quarterback.

You are welcome. And I threw a couple non-gcg quotes to show you aren't the only one. Any more snarky comments gcg?
Must suck to scroll up, read what I actually said, and realize that you’re even a failure when it comes to being a message board prick.

Just wanted to save this one. And the quotes I found exclude deleted threads - of which, many are ones that degraded to you snarking with someone until FA had enough...which sux for the archives. #ArchivesRule
You are welcome. And I threw a couple non-gcg quotes to show you aren't the only one. Any more snarky comments gcg?

“Viable” as in “actually a P5 level starter.” I don’t really think that’s the case and, unfortunately, his status as presumed #2 says as much about the other two guys as anything else.
“Viable” as in “actually a P5 level starter.” I don’t really think that’s the case and, unfortunately, his status as presumed #2 says as much about the other two guys as anything else.

The stop it quote was actually responding to someone mentioning Green as an option too. But I notice your tone has subdued now that you see more of your quotes than the cute ones that you pulled. Apology accepted.
The stop it quote was actually responding to someone mentioning Green as an option too. But I notice your tone has subdued now that you see more of your quotes than the cute ones that you pulled. Apology accepted.

What exactly are you arguing? Green is not a viable starter for a P5 team. Almost all walkons aren't viable starters for a P5 team. Just because he may start a game doesn't make him a viable starter. It makes him the best of a bad lot.

And if you think the story is he is beating out two scholarship players for the back-up spot - well, it's either because he is better than them or they are worse than him. And I believe it is the latter.
What exactly are you arguing? Green is not a viable starter for a P5 team. Almost all walkons aren't viable starters for a P5 team. Just because he may start a game doesn't make him a viable starter. It makes him the best of a bad lot.

And if you think the story is he is beating out two scholarship players for the back-up spot - well, it's either because he is better than them or they are worse than him. And I believe it is the latter.

Nope, just a back and forth between gcg and myself.

But I wonder if you have read the walkon thread of late. Most of those guys say hi!