Now just exactly what it better about this new format? The former one worked just fine. Is this just another example of change for the sake of change (but why does that always mean more complicated and obscure)? WHERE'S MY SIG PIC?

Now kids can't enjoy my two cats fighting anymore. Also cannot instantly tell if there have been new posts since your last visit and let you know exactly which posts are new. Board is also vulnerable to "spamming" (otherwise known as Gladesbombing). The wonderful thing about the old Rivals thread-view is Gladesbombing only affected topic-viewers. Thread viewers were unaffected.

It's going to take a little time to learn and get used to the new format on this board. In general, I really liked the flexibility the old format afforded, that allowed you to view a thread in thread view or topic view

I have to say, my son's favorite thing about this board (the only thing he has noticed) was your gif of the big cat smothering the little cat. He never gets tired of it and he will be rudely disappointed by it's departure.

Why is it also that when I am typing on this board, things are so slow, like I'm being keylogged?
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You're referring to the GladesBomb(tm). Yes, that is one of topic view's drawbacks. It is more susceptible to such terrorist actions. But, a strong moderator can easily deter or boot such perpetrators, so the terrorists only unleash such WMD's on unmoderated boards like Scout.

Any well moderated board is not going to put up with Turk's recent tirades. If they do, the terrorists have hundreds of volunteers who are willing to strap on Gladesbombs.
Gladesbombs (tm) are one of the great features of this or any board. Wouldn't be the same, nor as entertaining, without them.
One good thing is that there's no need for Villox's ignore script anymore - the new functionality completely removes anyone from sight that you put on ignore. You just have to go into their profile name to ignore them, as opposed to doing it from within a conversation.

That's great! The script wasn't working entirely anymore anyway. Will it remove entire threads they start?

I will miss thread view but I am on other sites that don't have it. And easier quoting will make it easier to tell who you are replying to if people use it.

Another cool feature: You can edit your posts without that annoying "edited by" stream appearing.
Any well moderated board is not going to put up with Turk's recent tirades. If they do, the terrorists have hundreds of volunteers who are willing to strap on Gladesbombs.

You mean like GomersBastardSon and ScoutProductSales or whoever?
You mean like GomersBastardSon and ScoutProductSales or whoever?

Unfortunately, there are many terror organizations out there. ISIS and Hezbollah both have their legions of volunteers willing to strap on Gladesbombs and be banned. Apparently Turk is like Israel right now...a target for terrorists.
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Not sure, haven't been able to see any threads started by people on my list, but I'm guessing it will.
It does! I tried ignoring E-Cat and this thread disappeared. So it works even better than my script since it works on all devices. Woo-hoo! (I since ignored E-Cat because who'd want to ignore E-Cat).
Also, at the very bottom of the forum page, if you click "Thread Display Options" you can chose Thread Creation Time, which is the closest thing to Thread view, although it doesn't appear that it saves that as a default view every time you load the site, so I'm not sure how useful it is.
Let me see.. how does this reply feature work again?

Oops I meant "unignored".

The new format is growing on me. I HATED doing quoting in the other forum, much easier here. If enough people discover and use these features it will be a nice hybrid.
It's too light.For those of us with poor eyesight i is literally tough to read, especially the thread/topic titles. End the light gray and make it dark purple or black,

Well, youhave to remember your password which I don't so I was relieved when I got on this morning. I wouldn't know where to begin if my computer logged me off. It's been years.

Hey, this is cool. I just learned you can include TWO (maybe more?) quotes in your post. The thing I like best is that old posts do not disappear so we all now remain accountable for our past misstatements and erroneous predictions. I do agree with Eurocat and Deeringfish as to their above quoted points. (It is also a plus that the photos are no longer so shrinked that one has to anymore add a note to "click photo to enlarge" just to see them.)
You forgot the most important thing..... no thread view?? This isn't Russia. Is this Russia?

Welcome comrade.

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Didn't Tom Cruise destroy the Kremlin in Mission Impossible?
Didn't Tom Cruise destroy the Kremlin in Mission Impossible?

You notice I carefully pointed my camera to the other side of Red Square with the Department Store GUM on the left and St. Basil's Cathedral in the center to avoid the spectacle of all the rubble to the right. The Kremlin WAS on the right before Tom Cruise did his thing.
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I wish the font contrast was a little bit dialed up...everything is just very gray and hard to read for me. That's the only complaint really.

Oh god....maybe I'm just getting old?!?!
Hey, this is cool. I just learned you can include TWO (maybe more?) quotes in your post. The thing I like best is that old posts do not disappear so we all now remain accountable for our past misstatements and erroneous predictions. I do agree with Eurocat and Deeringfish as to their above quoted points. (It is also a plus that the photos are no longer so shrinked that one has to anymore add a note to "click photo to enlarge" just to see them.)

Do you mean that, every time ECat predicts a player will do well and said player fails miserably, I can accumulate all of these quotes and paste them into say an "ECats greatest misses" post? I'm liking this new board more and more.....
Do you mean that, every time ECat predicts a player will do well and said player fails miserably, I can accumulate all of these quotes and paste them into say an "ECats greatest misses" post? I'm liking this new board more and more.....

You mean like Trevor Siemian?
No, like Kevin Lawrence. At least, I think; since, without message board history, I can't prove it. No such problem in the future though. Glades can probably think of several examples.

Oh, I have several examples. Stauss to Spoon was probably the worst miss of all. There was Tom Derricks, George Woods to name a few off the top of my head. Kevin Lawrence I won't take credit for, though Glades will deny it - I merely said we might not be that bad off after Anderson - and railed off a number of players that could fill the gap such as Chris Brown, Jason Wright, and Noah Herron along with Lawrence and why they might be worthy successors. But, then you are really reaching if you have to go back over a decade anyways. More recently, Johnnie Vassar was a miss - though we have yet to see how his college career plays out.

No one has a 100% batting average though. I remember people claiming Andrew Brewer was going to win a Heisman at QB. Probably can forgive those who projected greatness for Alexander Webb and Tommy Feussel due to injuries. I had my misses, but I also had my hits. Ed McCants WAS a superstar at the college level (league MVP, All-American, led his team to the Sweet Sixteen). Tyrell Sutton. Damien Anderson. CJ Bacher. Xavier Washington. And I thought Trevor was a miss, but it looks likes he might have been a lot better than we were led to believe - at least he was good enough to be one of 7 QBs to be drafted this year. Of course every blind squirrel finds a nut, and while my hits are probably a reflection of my at bats as well, I'm still doing much better than the blind squirrel, and dareIsay the experts at Rivals.