So I would
estimate that NU ticket holders and ticket reseller companies sold 2000 to 3000 seats to Indiana fans
Seat Geek does not have a box (voluntary or required) to check proclaiming allegiance to Team X or Team Z in an athletic contest. Seat Geek didn’t sell to Indiana fans, they sold to people willing to pay the asking price (and fees).
Seat Geek didn’t say “Oh, you’re an IU fan. I won’t sell to you on Tuesday, but I might on Friday if no other Northwestern fans want these seats.”
We should be able to create technology that matches me the buyer (owner) of the season ticket to the actual attendance at the game. You would be registered to that ticket and you would need to be present to have privileges.
The one problem with that will be that “Bill Smith from Winnetka” has 4 tickets. Bill Smith will have to register his ID with a third party providing services to NU on GameDay, (Similar to what “Red States” are doing with PornHub etc.). Nothing will ever go wrong with that kind of transaction.
Also, all of the preventions in PPD’s scenario will mean that Bill’s exclusive access will not be provided to Bill’s wife Betty, nor his guests at the game (John and Sue Johnson). John and Sue, driving separately, won’t be able to park at the same STH lot or get access to the same exclusive event (and wonder why they accepted your invitation to the game in the first place).
If anyone is still reading this, a question. (I will not make a game at the Lakeside field this year). Am I correct in assuming that there is - literally - NO on the street ticket market any longer? There is no one holding up a pair of (paper) tickets , making a quick cash transaction, and being on their way? Any transaction means the ticket buyer has to be registered with NU (independent of Seat Geek) to accept tickets, and there is no protection to a stranger offering cash for the promise to actually complete the electronic transfer. That means If it goes through Seat Geek, etc., NU will know exactly how much profit you made selling a pair to someone who winds up wearing (unbeknownst to you) a red shirt to the Wisconsin game.