Bench outscored 25-2 in first half.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2001
Of all the things that are troubling about our first 2 1/2 games ... this is right up there. Our bench players haven't been competitive and that's such a hard obstacle to overcome.

For all the talk of this being our deepest team ever, it certainly hasn't shown up yet.
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Of all the things that are troubling about our first 2 1/2 games ... this is right up there. Our bench players haven't been competitive and that's such a hard obstacle to overcome.

For all the talk of this being our deepest team ever, it certainly hasn't shown up yet.
Rap will come in. That should fix it.
What's going on with Isiah Brown? This should be his kind of game.
Of course, if Law averages 3 points a minute the rest of the year ... then I guess the bench thing doesn't matter.
Eh. The refs suck. They are calling a lot of bs fouls. All the changes in the rules has wimpified the game. Creighton is a very good team. If we beat them this will be a quality win
Not any better in second half - 0-for-6 from the field for the game.

Gaines did have four dimes and four boards.
On the other hand, all five starters are averaging in double figures.

But yeah, the great depth we were all excited about isn't there yet. Get well soon Falzon!
Not going to point fingers or name names, but some guys who come off the bench really need to step up and get their games together. A step backwards from last season is just not acceptable. You gotta commit and decide to be better.
Not going to point fingers or name names, but some guys who come off the bench really need to step up and get their games together. A step backwards from last season is just not acceptable. You gotta commit and decide to be better.
There are only a few guys that actually get off the bench for things other than TV time outs. Think you did point fingers and name names.
BMac will play over 150 minutes this week, Law over 145 minutes. Only way these guys will get a rest is if they get in foul trouble.

We gotta find rest for our starters .... they are young, but their bodies are gonna be beat up by Feb.
Rap will come in. That should fix it.

Our bench has only scored 17 points in 3 games combined. (1-7 beyond the arc.) It doesn't look like anybody is going to push BMac, Lindsey or Law for playing time. Of course, that's not a huge surprise. Still, I didn't think that the drop-off would be quite so steep.

Though he's a starter for the moment, you have to like how Skelly is playing on offense!

Pardon is the one starter who has disappointed. 11 turnovers, 11 fouls and 57.9% FT% are not good numbers through 3 games. (Remember when people were talking about the prospect of Pardon popping threes and shooting over 75% percent from the line after that practice report? Ugh.) Given Pardon's foul trouble and overall performance, Benson has had opportunities...but he hasn't taken advantage. Once Falzon is back, it's possible that Skelly could even be the primary backup at center.

Then again, it has been our team defense that has been the main problem. Maybe Gaines and Ash can offer something in that department. However, they still need to bring something on the offensive end. People on the board have made the claim that we were playing 4 on 5 with Lumpkin on offense--but Sanjay averaged an efficient 6ppg, which is more productive than our entire bench combined so far. (And our bench is averaging 38 mpg.)
Our bench has only scored 17 points in 3 games combined. (1-7 beyond the arc.) It doesn't look like anybody is going to push BMac, Lindsey or Law for playing time. Of course, that's not a huge surprise. Still, I didn't think that the drop-off would be quite so steep.

Though he's a starter for the moment, you have to like how Skelly is playing on offense!

Pardon is the one starter who has disappointed. 11 turnovers, 11 fouls and 57.9% FT% are not good numbers through 3 games. (Remember when people were talking about the prospect of Pardon popping threes and shooting over 75% percent from the line after that practice report? Ugh.) Given Pardon's foul trouble and overall performance, Benson has had opportunities...but he hasn't taken advantage. Once Falzon is back, it's possible that Skelly could even be the primary backup at center.

Then again, it has been our team defense that has been the main problem. Maybe Gaines and Ash can offer something in that department. However, they still need to bring something on the offensive end. People on the board have made the claim that we were playing 4 on 5 with Lumpkin on offense--but Sanjay averaged an efficient 6ppg, which is more productive than our entire bench combined so far. (And our bench is averaging 38 mpg.)

I think Pardon and Benson will get it together. I'm not worried about the bigs at all.

The problem lies entirely with Falzon being injured and Rap not being good enough to play. I didn't see that coming. It leaves few options at the 4 other than Skelly or effectively moving Law there. That, in turn, leaves a scarcity on the wings. Gaines is getting a good amount of run by necessity. Ash would play more if he proved he could actually make a shot when he's open.

Sure wish A.J. Turner was immediately eligible.
Lumpkin was a starter and played starter minutes and should not be compared to a bench player. Skelly has more than adequately replaced him and his shooting has improved. Lumpkin's numbers declined significantly in conference play or quality competition who had NU scouted. Let's not over-inflate his offensive contribution. Yes, defensively he was excellent but offensively, he was an issue.

Brown at 6'0" is a tough matchup against 6'3", 205 lbs. muscular guards in Foster and Thomas. The bottom line is their four-star guys off the bench - Ballock (6'5", 205 lbs. who NU recruited) and Ty-Shon Alexander from Oak Hill Academy (6'4") went 8-14 FG, 4-7 3 PT FG, and 20 pts. They lit us up particularly in the first half and our four-star players (Falzon and Rap) did not play and our high 3-star player Anthony Gaines scored 1 pt.

In order for the bench players to contribute, they need to play more minutes. Benson showed flashes and needs more minutes and Gaines will get more confidence as he plays more. Benson has to play more as NU's only other big or NU will continue to be abused on the boards by MSU, PU, Minnesota, Iowa, UW, etc.

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