Biggest complaint about the stadium

There was down and distance in the north end zone. Really difficult to see tho. The Northwestern Medical logo was the panel closest to the field, and it appeared that the down and distance was almost ground level.

(I saw it when Kirtz couldn’t come up with that pass in the end zone.)
There was down and distance in the north end zone. Really difficult to see tho. The Northwestern Medical logo was the panel closest to the field, and it appeared that the down and distance was almost ground level.

(I saw it when Kirtz couldn’t come up with that pass in the end zone.)
I was sitting in the north zone, so if they were ground-level in the north zone, I wouldn't be able to see them. Why not put them on one of the large screens?
The most improvement for any team is between week one and week two, Coach Walk used to say. Hopefully that’s the case for Stadium ops as well.

Go Cats Go Cats Go
Also audio was terrible in the first half. Could not hear anything. Somewhat better in the second half
The main scoreboards and North bleachers need the down and distance. They don’t need to spell out “3rd Quarter.” The boards are there for add revenue apparently.
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Yeah, crazy that the main scoreboard did not have down & distance. We don’t need the game score up there the whole time to the detriment of the down & distance.

Sound was nonexistent. I viewed that as a plus though.
Also audio was terrible in the first half. Could not hear anything. Somewhat better in the second half
And when the speakers were on it was insanely loud. As in ear-splitting. Brutal from the south end zone.
North side concession stand did not have waters at the beginning of half time.

We finally have the high school stadium visiting fans like to complain about.

I had a great time, though!
I look forward to Iowa fans giving us grief for our "high school stadium" again. We're taking it to new levels of high schoolishness.
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North side concession stand did not have waters at the beginning of half time.

We finally have the high school stadium visiting fans like to complain about.

I had a great time, though!
On the broadcast, Lisa Byington literally compared it to a Texas high school stadium, and Jared Thomas laughed nervously.
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On the broadcast, Lisa Byington literally compared it to a Texas high school stadium, and Jared Thomas laughed nervously.
Overall, however, Lisa was her usual confused self and Jared's analysis generally was spot on. I hope this is the last we see of Lisa this season, but that's probably wishful thinking on my part.
Appropriate, since her announcing is at the high school level. I don't need Gus Johnson hyperbole, but she's as boring as hell
I will say that I enjoyed seeing Jared Thomas on the broadcast. Lisa at one point corrected herself by saying that he's not a former football player but is a current one, which I assume means he's still hanging around in a pro league somewhere. I believe he was in the arena football league a few years ago. Glad he's still pursuing his dream, and he did a good job on the TV broadcast.
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Yeah, the south stands looked very empty on TV.
Like someone said, wealthy and loyal NU backers have a lot of points to get seasons tickets without the desire to go to a game or the need to scalp the tickets thus resulting in empty seats very visible in a small stadium that can be easily scanned by network camera crews. Some of them might have been on those motorboats shown on TV.
Yeah, crazy that the main scoreboard did not have down & distance. We don’t need the game score up there the whole time to the detriment of the down & distance.

Sound was nonexistent. I viewed that as a plus though.
The sound was horrendous mid field.
They were there to start the game. It was hot as balls out there and there is no relief anywhere except the west stands, top of the South stands and the Porto Potties!
At the start of the game it *looked* miserably hot on tv. Seemed like almost a haze in the air, though perhaps that was my tv. 🤷‍♂️. There must not have been any cloud cover.

South stands looked pretty full later in the game, also as shadow started showing up onscreen.
Appropriate, since her announcing is at the high school level. I don't need Gus Johnson hyperbole, but she's as boring as hell
Jared did a nice job. Lisa was awful. When Miami o was driving late down by ten she said they were about to score to tie the game.

But she never corrected herself.
Jared did a nice job. Lisa was awful. When Miami o was driving late down by ten she said they were about to score to tie the game.

But she never corrected herself.

Lisa is now an institution. She usually gets the lowest ranked game by BTN. I am so use to hearing her that it doesn't bother me anymore.

I had no idea Jared was a color guy. He was pretty good. Well spoken and just the right amount of enthusiasm.
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