Bowl games

Let’s say you had a crazy rich uncle, and he decided that he wanted to try self-preservation through cryotherapy, and he willfully froze himself 50 years ago!

Let’s further say that he was a big college football fan.

Let’s say funding ran out today, and you had to thaw him and see if he survived, and it worked!

“Uncle Warbucks, you’re alive!”
“What’s the date?! How was the Rose Bowl?”
“January 2! Rose Bowl was a blowout. OSU over Oregon.”
“Oregon?!?!? Oregon?!! Not USC or UCLA or Washington or Cal for chrissakes. OREGON?!”

“But there’s more uncle. We’ve got a COLLEGE FOOTBALL PLAYOFF, and FOUR TEAMS ARE LEFT.”

“A playoff! Blasphemy! Who’s are the FINAL FOUR?!”

“Ohio State, Texas, Notre Dame, Penn State.

“Some things never change, I guess.”
Great post - but your uncle should be told that Penn State and ND, and even Texas had what their fans considered near-death experiences along the way.