Does Illinois have a free hoops message board? I just want to lurk, not troll.

Pete Purple

Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2012
Doesn’t seem to be a free one on rivals. Also, if I went premium on the wildcat board, do I get access to all schools’ premium boards?
Doesn’t seem to be a free one on rivals. Also, if I went premium on the wildcat board, do I get access to all schools’ premium boards?

I don't get it.

What's the point if you aren't going to troll?
Winning Friday did spare us from combes and the rest of the front-runners on this board ...
Please somebody give me the PR recruiting speech about having the most BT wins in history (or whatever worthless argument they make without a championship).
They choked that in a way that almost generates sympathy for their fans ... almost ...
Why do some people on this board hate Illinois so much? I'm just curious to know if something happened to them personally. Most Illinois fans don't really have a disdain for NU in the same manner as other schools such as Mizzou for those downstate, Iowa for those further west and Indiana for most other fans. I for one understand there is a "formalized rivalry," but Ohio State is technically a rival for Illinois as well and most just see them as just another conference foe. I'm an Illinois fan, but I'd like to see NU do well in order to establish a national marquee game similar to Duke/UNC considering the wealth of talent in the state alone.
I-L-L-I-N-I That stupid ass chant (yeah you can spell) pretty much sums it up. Look, when you just got your ass kicked the Saturday before in football and are rebuilding in hoops, don't chant in my (adopted) home arena and then ask why your team is not liked.

And let me tell you something, if NU starts to beat the Illini in hoops on a regular basis, you will start to hate NU.

And, I don't hate the Illini at all. I grew up a fan of the flying Illini. I am waiting with much anticipation for 12/15 when my kid will find out if he is accepted to Illinois for next fall (keep your fingers crossed because unless Illinois comes through he could end up a Gopher or Hoosier). We already have an intra-family rivalry as my brother went to Illinois and even flew in for last Friday's game (although he was smart enough not to join in any chants).

The Illini are not alone in trying to take over NU games and piss in our yard. All teams do it. Its part of being the smallest school in the conference with a wretched history of losing in football and hoops, you just don't develop a fan base when you aren't competitive. What you have on this board is the few dozen NU fans who actually care and have cared for a long time even when the teams were going 0 for the BigTen. So yeah, it bothers me when you piss in my yard more than the casual fan. I don't blame you for doing it but I don't have to like it.
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And let me tell you something, if NU starts to beat the Illini in hoops on a regular basis, you will start to hate NU.

Yup. Hard to hate a team when you don't take them seriously as a threat, which is why you don't see nearly as much hate from us towards Illini football. And it's easy to hate a program that doesn't respect you as much as you think they should. I'd say in football Illinois hates us more than we hate them. We hate Iowa waayyy more.

I think the basketball side is starting to shift though. Have noticed a lot more hate towards NU from my many Illini relatives the last couple years.

Personally I will always loathe Illinois basketball because of the worst sports experience of my life, their 2009(?) comeback win in Evanston. Loss was bad enough, but amplified 100 fold by all the smug Illini fans who thought they were special for taking over our arena (like half the Big Ten doesn't do it regularly, especially back then)
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Yup. Hard to hate a team when you don't take them seriously as a threat, which is why you don't see nearly as much hate from us towards Illini football. And it's easy to hate a program that doesn't respect you as much as you think they should. I'd say in football Illinois hates us more than we hate them. We hate Iowa waayyy more.

I think the basketball side is starting to shift though. Have noticed a lot more hate towards NU from my many Illini relatives the last couple years.

Personally I will always loathe Illinois basketball because of the worst sports experience of my life, their 2009(?) comeback win in Evanston. Loss was bad enough, but amplified 100 fold by all the smug Illini fans who thought they were special for taking over our arena (like half the Big Ten doesn't do it regularly, especially back then)

I have been to my fair share of NU games and actually like WRA; I don't think it's unfair to say UI regularly has the most visiting fans, and why wouldn't we? We have more fans than those schools in Chicago.

Nice hard fought win the other night.
I have been to my fair share of NU games and actually like WRA; I don't think it's unfair to say UI regularly has the most visiting fans, and why wouldn't we? We have more fans than those schools in Chicago.

Nice hard fought win the other night.

I will say that game I mentioned was probably the worst I've ever seen for basketball, but a lot of that had to do with the nature of the game (big comeback, exciting finish. Lots of opportunities for your fans to get loud.) But IU, PU, MSU and sometimes Wisconsin usually brought more or less the same amount. In a bigger arena you might be right - we'll see this year. But in W-R, there was usually more or less a set amount of purple fans. The remaining supply was small enough that all 5 of those schools could easily fill it up.

Maybe it bothers me more than others, but it's hard not to resent every team that does it (or at least their fans.) Hell, I'm a huge Blackhawks fan, hate the Predators, but I still feel terrible every time Hawks fans take over Nashville because I know how much it sucks on the other side.

It was a lot better last year though, just because the purple crowd is finally getting bigger. All this is why I'm very happy they're reducing the capacity of the new W-R by a bit
I think that the increased ticket prices and mandatory donations should eliminate the ticket brokers and the number of visitors.
I don’t hate you, or Illinois. It’s never ALL fans or the school itself. A$$holes are just that, regardless of who they root for. We welcome good natured banter and thoughtful insights. But when you come to our free msg board have a little class. Certain fan bases (Michigan, Notre Dame) have annoying arrogance. But when other teams adopt that unjustified attitude - that pisses me off. So it’s a fan base that still thinks they “should” always beat NU. We have not been the punching bag you used to enjoy but the fan base has not accepted it. This really goes for many schools, not just Illinois. This has changed in both sports and I’m starting to enjoy that bothering so many now. We see it when sore winners show up (again, just a little class please).

But “our state our school” was a weak, late reply to some brilliant marketing by NU.
Then there was this guy who we miss.... Beckman made it easy

So, peace brother for your interesting question and reasonable attitude.
Why do some people on this board hate Illinois so much? ... Most Illinois fans don't really have a disdain for NU in the same manner as other schools such as Mizzou for those downstate, Iowa for those further west and Indiana for most other fans.

... Can anyone name another B10 program whose fan base has earned a stronger-than-usual "hatred" (I think that's a fair word) from three other programs?

And I'm not talking about a little snit from a program or a reasonable rivalry. I'm talking about angry rivalries that beat dead horses that have been killed for decades.

Let me try to answer this question from my perspective but with Purple Pete's goal of a reasonable attitude.

I could provide oodles of examples why I don't really respect Illini fans, but let me try to keep it simple.

1) If you don't think many Illinois fans have a problem with NU, then I applaud you for being smart enough to stay away from the Illini boards.

2) I offer the same question above that I did in June.

Hell, I didn't even consider Missouri.

You might want to consider the question and why this perception is held by more than one or two fan bases.

3) Last thing to consider. I have a good friend who writes about sports for one of the three major Chicago area papers. (Let me help kill the perception of the usual Illini target. No, it's not Teddy Greenstein.)

He/She says no area fan base is faster than Illini fans to pound him/her or - how can I softly phrase this - make it personal for even the slightest critical view.

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