How was student attendance?


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2005
Can those in attendance last night comment on student attendance, noise level, and efficiency of school-provided transportation?

Just wondering.

This was our first mid week game during conference season - I think the first was a Friday in December, and the other was in the week back to school - and I'm wondering what it looked like.

Sparse, I assume, but I pass no judgment. Four-plus hours is a huge commitment on a Wednesday night, even with a smuggled flask.
It wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible by Allstate Arena standards. One of the student sections was pretty much full. If I recall correctly, there was some attendance in the second section.

Also, the full band and a contingent of cheerleaders was also in attendance. It always surprises me how much they add to the atmosphere - especially in the vacuum of AA.
I'd estimate <100 students there, not counting band and cheerleaders. All the others missed a pretty good show.
Student attendance looked ok to me, not packed, but as mentioned above.
But from my seat, the students and the band were distant muffled sounds most of the night. The lack of bleachers raising them (students and band) up above the floor really damages their noise factor, and the cavernous emptiness that is Allstate kills it pretty well - at least I rarely noticed them as I have in years past at WRA.
Awful as expected. If the football had not been there it would have been abysmal.