Isaiah Brown needs more minutes!


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2015
Brown looked like an offensive weapon yesterday. He had a few turnovers,but I like his progression and improvement out there. I want a two guard offense based on who is playing well. Ash for sure. Mac and Brown will trade minutes based on performance. Still, I see Mac and Ash for 30 and Brown for 20 per game. If Mac plays bad, Brown goes for thirty minutes!
OK, I'll bite.

Let's see how you spread out the 200 minutes in a game if Brown plays 30 minutes, BMac plays 20 and Ash plays 30. Who loses time at the 3, 4 and 5?
OK, I'll bite.

Let's see how you spread out the 200 minutes in a game if Brown plays 30 minutes, BMac plays 20 and Ash plays 30. Who loses time at the 3, 4 and 5?
Good point! We need the two guard lineup. We need two forwards and Law gets 30 minutes for sure. That's fifty left over. Right now, depending on who is hot,give Falzon, Gaines,Scottie,and Skelly 12-14 each. Then Pardon and Benson take center with Dererk for 25-30