Certainly your prerogative. I don’t see such calamity. I disagree with the football comparisons - we really can’t expect to get the very FEW elite players that make up a basketball team. In football, it’s many more pieces and dependently hugely on schemes; a few guys have less impact. And it’s hard to compare to Fitz; he’s an absolute gem. It’s a long-term play for Collins, and I at least go into games during his tenure knowing we have a much better chance of winning than in the Carmody years. And I think that chance will increase more.
I do not know where you live, but I actually pony up some money and go to the games. I think it is about 15 years. I live about 35 minutes from the arena. Picking up a buddy, getting to the game, staying there, and getting home is a 4 hour experience. I go to all the games. I have seen Central Connecticut State, Mississippi Valley State, and Chicago State play every time except once. I have seen some good basketball and a lot of bad basketball. A loyal, paying customer.
I have heard and read posts about the ballyhooed recruits for years. Folks like you say, “Look at the 4 star recruits he has. The recruiting is better.”or “The B10 is so tough.” The B10 has not won an NCAA in over 20 years. It is the same crap lines every year. We have one 4 star on this squad who either just can’t play or has not been coached to develop his talent. It is either an inability to spot talent or develop talent, otherwise known as coaching. Our tourney team was full of players who were tough, smart players with some leaders. CC rang the bell on them, but IMO, he has missed badly ever since then in either talent identification or development. It is pretty plain to see.
Last year before Corona, WRA was empty. I know. I was there. Were you? CC is 8 years in. The NCAA shoukd have led to better teams. It has not. This could be a function of the university admission process, facilitaties or coaching. The only benefit of season tickets is to see other teams play and you can get B10 tournament tickets. That is where the program stands in year 8 of CC. As a long time, paying season ticket holder, I see little reason to renew, exceptto get B10 tourney tix.