Rule says contact to berries is an automatic ejection.
That is untrue, but apparently the refs just don't know the rules - who is surprised about that? The call still requires an assessment and a decision by the refs as to intent. "Automatic" is simply false.
(Apparently one of the rules changes for 2024-2025 is that faking being fouled is now a Class B Technical. Man, we should be shooting so many free throws just from that.)
From the 2024-2025 rulebook:
2. Flagrant 2 personal foul. A flagrant 2 personal foul is a personal foul that involves contact with an opponent that is not only excessive, but also severe (brutal, harsh, cruel) or extreme (dangerous, punishing),while the ball is live. In determining whether a foul has risen to the level of a flagrant 2, officials should consider the following:
a) The severity of the contact;
b) Whether a player is making a legitimate effort to block a shot. Note that a player may still be assessed a flagrant 2 foul on an attempted blocked shot when there are other factors, such as hard contact to the head or the defender winding up or emphatically following through with the contact. Depending on the nature of the contact, or the result of the contact, this foul also could be considered a flagrant 1 or common personal foul;
c) The potential for injury resulting from the contact (e.g., a blow to the head or a foul committed while the player was in a vulnerable position). Depending on the nature of the contact, or the result of the contact, the foul also could be considered a flagrant 1 or common personal foul;
d) Any contact by the offending player to the groin area of an opponent
which is not clearly accidental; and
e) Any foul similar to the foul described in Rule 4-15.2.c.1.g in which the contact, or the result of the contact, is not only excessive but also severe or extreme.
Note: The above acts represent examples of potential flagrant 2 fouls. Other acts may also qualify, if they meet the criteria of being not only excessive but also severe or extreme.