Lujan is in over his head.

I liked the hire. My biggest concern was how he would handle not having bigger, stronger players than his opponents. Also helped to have the best QB at that level.

Doesn’t seem to be adjusting well!
I know it's a small sample size, but this guy is football stupid, and you can't fix stupid.
I know it’s a rush to judgment but nothing he’s done on offense even looks like it will work. It’s the same as previous years only worse. And he has no Ramsey or Bryant back there. That call tonight will follow him always.
It's bad enough that Porter didn't have the ball on that play at the end, but the fact that they weren't calling his name more all night is a crime. He had 120 yards on 19 touches. I understand putting in a change-of-pace back, and Porter does need to rest sometimes, but Himon and Komolafe had 21 yards on 11 touches. Himon did have one decent run in the fourth quarter, but otherwise was forgettable. Imagine how different this game would be if Porter had 25 touches instead of 19, especially when it became clear that the passing game was not working at all.
I agree that Porter was utilized poorly and not enough. Goes well beyond the atrocious play call on 3rd down in 2OT.
It's bad enough that Porter didn't have the ball on that play at the end, but the fact that they weren't calling his name more all night is a crime. He had 120 yards on 19 touches. I understand putting in a change-of-pace back, and Porter does need to rest sometimes, but Himon and Komolafe had 21 yards on 11 touches. Himon did have one decent run in the fourth quarter, but otherwise was forgettable. Imagine how different this game would be if Porter had 25 touches instead of 19, especially when it became clear that the passing game was not working at all.
It’s actually worse than that, Porter had only 8 carries in regulation.
It's bad enough that Porter didn't have the ball on that play at the end, but the fact that they weren't calling his name more all night is a crime. He had 120 yards on 19 touches. I understand putting in a change-of-pace back, and Porter does need to rest sometimes, but Himon and Komolafe had 21 yards on 11 touches. Himon did have one decent run in the fourth quarter, but otherwise was forgettable. Imagine how different this game would be if Porter had 25 touches instead of 19, especially when it became clear that the passing game was not working at all.
^ This

It is completely inexplicable that we had CK as the feature back when we had a chance to go up by 2 scores. Ultimately this is what cost us the game.
What in the world is this guy doing?!? That made McCall look attractive again. I’m literally sick to my stomach after watching that.
Well the wind looked bad. Were you there? Can you let us know how nasty the wind was lunky?
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Please stop, everyone. First, you have to watch all of his AMAZING YouTube videos. Then you will understand his genius. I was told this by a certain NU sports podcast.
I'm not ready to throw in the towel on Lujan. Two games, and yes, maybe some bad calls tonight.

It's two games, guys.

Fitz infamously took points off the board (against case there was any chance you forgot!) and he worked out okay for a while.

To be clear, I'm not saying Lujan is the next [insert our last great offensive coordinator], I'm just not ready to burn the place down, no matter how god awful those last two plays me, those were as much on the QB on the field as anyone.
I'm not ready to throw in the towel on Lujan. Two games, and yes, maybe some bad calls tonight.

It's two games, guys.

Fitz infamously took points off the board (against case there was any chance you forgot!) and he worked out okay for a while.

To be clear, I'm not saying Lujan is the next [insert our last great offensive coordinator], I'm just not ready to burn the place down, no matter how god awful those last two plays me, those were as much on the QB on the field as anyone.
He chose the QB too. And when he chose the QB there was no track record to suggest anything other than what we’re seeing.
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He chose the QB too. And when he chose the QB there was no track record to suggest anything other than what we’re seeing.
Sullivan entered the portal on April 23, and committed to Iowa on May 8.

Wright committed to NU on May 9.

Sullivan was not good enough that any reasonable coordinator would be willing to ride with him based on past performance.

It’s a shame Wright isn’t that good. But at least he knows how to set his feet sometimes.
Lujan was the savior less than a week ago. No more “Fitzball” was the term being thrown around. It’s only two games, but I said the same thing after JON. Got to hope he figures this out fast.
Hi, its me, Mike Bajakian.
I'm enjoying your comments.

Seriously though, a fake handoff to Cam Porter going left and a QB run to the right may have worked....
Other than that - give the ball to Porter going left and if it gets stopped, try again on 4th down.
The wind was not great but we’ve had worse. My 10 year old made it to the end and now officially understands what it is to be a NU fan….
Both teams missed short FG at that end of the field. THe stadium is wide open to wind off the lake and it likely makes difficulties kicking at Soldier Field look tame
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Gotta give him a chance to adjust to this level, And he can only play with the cards he has been dealt.
I agree, all we can say is that he wasn’t instantly ready for Power 4 football without a solid QB. Though I don’t know what OC would be able to do more with what we currently have.

Even if he didn’t flub the 2OT call, and if we’d win the game, the fact remains that we only scored 13 pts in regulation despite multiple drives starting in their red zone.
I agree, all we can say is that he wasn’t instantly ready for Power 4 football without a solid QB. Though I don’t know what OC would be able to do more with what we currently have.

Even if he didn’t flub the 2OT call, and if we’d win the game, the fact remains that we only scored 13 pts in regulation despite multiple drives starting in their red zone.
Actually, till that blocked punt, I do not think we had had a single drive start outside our 12.5 yard line.
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It's bad enough that Porter didn't have the ball on that play at the end, but the fact that they weren't calling his name more all night is a crime. He had 120 yards on 19 touches. I understand putting in a change-of-pace back, and Porter does need to rest sometimes, but Himon and Komolafe had 21 yards on 11 touches. Himon did have one decent run in the fourth quarter, but otherwise was forgettable. Imagine how different this game would be if Porter had 25 touches instead of 19, especially when it became clear that the passing game was not working at all.
He had 93 on 16 carries. 44 was on one lay and he had probably 30 plus in OT so he was not really lighting it up on his other carries in regulation. The other 27 yds were passes. He did seem to be getting stronger in OT
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