Mars Cheese Castle Trophy for Winner of Wisconsin-Northwestern


New Member
Dec 5, 2016
This was just posted in the Badger Forum. A great idea for a trophy game between Wisconsin and Northwestern:


Both Northwestern and Wisconsin have endured their down years. The series more recently has assumed a higher level of prominence with the ascendance of both programs over the past 25 years and their position as two of the challengers in the Big Ten West division. The two unique prestigious schools are separated by a short 2 hour drive.

The Wisconsin-Northwestern game has statistically evolved in to a near rivalry game over the past 25 years and this series is one that has featured some amazing games. If either program seeks a kindred spirit in Dark Ages-ness, they only have to look at each other. Each program has acquitted itself over the past quarter century.

The Mars Cheese Castle lies directly on the route between Evanston and Madison. What better symbol to represent the weirdly important matchup by these two teams?

Sign petition here:
I remember Mars having some damn good cheese curds. Do they still make those, or is that yet another food item that has been legislated out of existence?