msnow's blog


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2001
These are a couple quotes from his last blog entry, dated February 5. A couple of his comments really interest me. Curious what the board thinks of them. Is he right? Is he wrong? In between?

Comment 1:
"To be fair, there have been a few bright spots this season, most notably the heady play of Bryant McIntosh. The general trend, though, has been discouraging. The offense has improved from abysmal to simply mediocre, but the defense has regressed from elite to terrible. In NU's five-game moral victory streak, Chris Collins made multiple coaching blunders that surely cost the team several wins. There is no evidence to indicate that he can scheme above the talent level of his players, a glaring shortcoming in a conference chock full of top-level coaches."

Comment 2:
"His recruiting (his biggest asset as a new hire) hasn't been dramatically better than his predecessor's best years. The 2015 class projects to be rated lower than the 2014 class, and outside of McIntosh the 2014 class has been underwhelming. Vic Law was clearly overrated. Scottie Lindsey has shown potential to be a decent role player. Gavin Skelly and Johnny Vassar look like practice players. They may only be freshman, but the reality certainly has not matched the "greatest class ever" hype. There is no heir apparent to Alex Olah in the 2015 class, and 2016 center target Barrett Benson is a major long shot. With back-to-back losing seasons in his first two years, there is no reason to believe that Collins can maintain even the modest recruiting uptick he has achieved to date."

Don't Believe The Hype
If Gavin Skelly looks like a practice player to him, then it's kind of hard to take anything he says very seriously. And judging the freshmen class on February 5 of their freshmen year is just idiotic. They have all shown flashes of being good BIG players, even Vassar.

I can't comment on Collins' multiple coaching blunders without him being more specific. It is always easy, though, to second guess in-game coaching decisions and even easier to make statements without giving any examples.
How are CC's recruits? Time will tell. However, I like that the team has improved as the season has progressed. BC's teams usually didn't play their best ball near the end of the season (the 2010-2011 season being a notable exception, to be fair).
He is wrong. He is projecting 4 years play from what kids do as inexperienced Frosh. Unless you have a 5 star wonder one and done type, with Frosh you have growing pains. And the loss of Cobb has really hurt and left a real hole, especially in leadership and on D. Basically, I expected us to be about where we are now. Cannot say I expected to get there by having a 10 game losing streak followed by three wins in a row but 4-10 is about where I thought we would be. You also have to remember that this is CCC's first HC gig.

Basically our Frosh get about 40-45% of our total minutes (closer to the higher figure lately). What other team in the BIG is anywhere close to that? For this year, it will lead to inconsistency but next year it should pay dividends

BMac has been solid and Law and Lindsey have improved steadily. Skelly has a real PF body and he brings energy. But Bigs take longer to develop and at usually the would have been a good candidate to RS. He will be fine. Have not seen enough of Vassar to have an opinion. I would have liked to see him RS. But what we have seen so far is three pretty solid players with another solid role player that can likely develop into a solid 4 with JV being somewhat of an unknown. I will take that kind of recruiting class.
I have to confess, if I had read this before the 3 game win streak I would have agreed with more than half of it. Since then Vic Law has become freshman of the week and the defense has had pretty solid success with the 2-3 zone. One of teh High School recruits just had a big game. I think you have to wait and see about 2017 before you start pronouncing the program dead.
Here we go: that blog should easily incite the NU Rah-Rah club. Glades - care to lead the charge?

I am amazed that NU takes wonderful opportunities to grow in recognition and drive revenue and pisses them away. Football was on such an upswing, again, and the mismanagement and shortsightedness inherent to NU's administration is driving away fans and dollars.

The bball program has made a little splash with a young, vibrant coach and his vigor for recruiting. A great time to ride the energy and attention and build new facilities.

Other academic schools have proven that success and revenue can be achieved in an academic atmosphere. But NU and its holier than thou attitude refuses to commit resources to make it happen. Why not just exit the B1G altogether, join the Ivies and be done with it.

Ug. I echo msnow's sentiment. I continue to watch or listen to games, when convenient, but won't be spending any money on NU athletics anytime soon.
Wow, the negative nellies are out in force despite the three game win streak. How long did it take to get a new music building on campus? It's a process, complicated by building rules, I believe. Basketball did get new offices and locker rooms a few years ago and I think the new scoreboards have really been a nice addition to W-R this year. Do we need more? Heck yes, but in the meantime, we have two good young coaches that need support of loyal Wildcat fans.
You missed the most offensive line out there: "Phillips, meanwhile, does little other than spin and glad-hand, posing for photo ops and parading veterans out on the courts & fields for easy applause."

Really? It's a bad thing to bring veterans out and give thousands of people an opportunity to say thank you. I used to think winning fixes everything. Now I think that losing breaks everything. Msnow has actually reached the point where he's complaining about bringing veterans on the field. The guy clearly has issues. I hope he doesn't show up to another game because he's obviously not a real cat fan

Neither are you xbobx. Don't waste your money now, and don't waste your money in the 2015-16 seasons when NU is back to bowling and is making a run at the tourney. You don't get to have it both ways.
Nothing about what was posted is "despite the three game win streak." The blog is from before the Wisconsin loss. VA just waited until now to link it to make it look as bad as possible.
In all fairness to msnow that blog entry was written nearly three weeks ago...a lot has changed since then. Perhaps he has changed he tune a bit as well. Who knows...hopefully he will be pleasantly surprised by the football team this fall...would be a shame to lose him as a fan.
Either Niels Bohr or Yogi Berra said it best: "Predictions are hard, especially about the future".

Give him credit for having a view and being open about it.

His insight here and on his own blog have consistently just been one big negative "Barbie Trantrum". I guess nobody can stop him. Carry on!
I read it when it was posted. I don't have any issues with it. He's made it clear that in his mind, the answers are in the data.

When I posted after Saturday's game the Carmody Court projections from last week on the percentage odds of NU winning games it was to make the point that things can change rapidly with a young team. And in Carmody Courts defense, I think he was just posting KenPom numbers.

It cal also go the other way. Lose three or four (or ten) in a row and a once rosy picture looks dismal.

The data can betray you as Charles Barkley indicated. Data is being used to build the case that Collins has not facilitated a step change in NU's recruiting. He has, IMO. In another year or two we won't see as much written around these constructs I'm pretty sure.
Originally posted by Styre:
Nothing about what was posted is "despite the three game win streak." The blog is from before the Wisconsin loss. VA just waited until now to link it to make it look as bad as possible.
I immediately pointed out when it was posted, Styre. I read it today for the first time, and as some others have pointed out, some of his comments (such as the one regarding Skelly and those regarding Phillips, just to name a couple) seem very bizarre...
Same ol', same ol'

I love these guys who are ready to pull out the pitchforks after less-than two seasons and one recruiting class. Nahhhh, there's no agenda there.

If you see his blog and other online hang-outs, these are just two more spaghetti-against-wall attempts to make the program more negative than it is. Like the .500 record (hopefully) doesn't speak for itself.

Yes, some of the comments throughout the year are dead-on correct. But as these paragraphs demonstrate, other ideas are so wrong and filled with the same hyperbole that he supposedly hates that you can only laugh.

Now, if season-long form holds true, watch what happens.
Apologies if you linked it before; I didn't remember.

Re: Skelly -- while I think he's more than a practice squad player, in the B1G games leading up to the Wisconsin game, here are his minutes:

@Rutgers: 6
Wisconsin: 9
@MSU: 1
Illinois: 0
@Michigan: 6
Purdue: 7
@Nebraska: 4

So you can see why someone would look at Skelly as an end-of-the-bench player -- he was being played like one!

It's only in the last four games that he's even been receiving consistent backup minutes, and in those games he has a total of 8 points, 10 boards, 4 assists, 4 blocks, 0 turnovers, and 8 fouls. Now, those are pretty good totals over 32 minutes (apart from the 8 fouls!), but while I very much like his athleticism, I don't think we can conclude very much about him.
Re: Same ol', same ol'

There is no analysis there. The blog is merely one biased fan's perspective who has no clue. Two recruiting classes with three four star recruits (Law, Falzon and McIntosh) and five three star recruits is better than NU has ever done. A sign of a good coach is taking the star players on the other team out defensively and creating an offense that creates open looks and then the players have to hit the shots. In the 10 game losing streak, NU did not hit the open shots and got some unlucky breaks (two missed goal tend calls v. OSU and Law's clean block on Valentine in East Lansing). Collins will get it done, unfortunately, some bitter fans are blinded by their bias to notice that NU has a coaching star on the sidelines.
Originally posted by realcatfan:
You missed the most offensive line out there: "Phillips, meanwhile, does little other than spin and glad-hand, posing for photo ops and parading veterans out on the courts & fields for easy applause."

Really? It's a bad thing to bring veterans out and give thousands of people an opportunity to say thank you. I used to think winning fixes everything. Now I think that losing breaks everything. Msnow has actually reached the point where he's complaining about bringing veterans on the field. The guy clearly has issues. I hope he doesn't show up to another game because he's obviously not a real cat fan

Neither are you xbobx. Don't waste your money now, and don't waste your money in the 2015-16 seasons when NU is back to bowling and is making a run at the tourney. You don't get to have it both ways.
Here you are wrong. I am the consumer. I can come and go as I please. It's up to the seller to retain me. If you buy Mercedes every year because you are loyal - well, I have another word for it - dumb. I can understand choosing a brand for loyalty if everything else is the same and you need the product.

I don't need to go to games, donate money, follow the teams around the country - but I can. These are luxury items - meaning the seller has to earn my business - I don't require them. But if I change my mind and want the product, they are happy to sell it to me.

For our case, I have demands in return for my money and/or loyalty. Do your best to field quality competitive teams. And I do not think NU as an institution is doing the best they can. I do not think Phillips is nor Fitz. I think there are agendas above fielding competitive teams - some I can agree with (like character and grades), others I cannot (lack of transparency and loyalty over competency). When I see no coaching changes, when I do not see or HEAR anything about improvements to the athletic facilities, when the admin goes quiet in the face of recurring failure, I put my wallet away.

I will definitely see you at NU's first tourney appearance and maybe their next bowl game.
Originally posted by xyzbobxyz:
Here we go: that blog should easily incite the NU Rah-Rah club. Glades - care to lead the charge?

Ug. I echo msnow's sentiment. I continue to watch or listen to games, when convenient, but won't be spending any money on NU athletics anytime soon.
At least my approach sure beats mining negativity. What great things were ever achieved with a negative attitude?

Good. Take your money and invest in some MMA or MDA. Spare us the physical threats and other South Side stupidity.

Edited to add: When have I EVER been supportive of NU's failure to fund student athletics? I have probably been THE MOST CRITICAL poster of Northwestern and their neglect of their athletes and their student body in general here. Sheesh! XBob, you're so totally out to lunch about me and my views that it's comical! You always have been, too.

This post was edited on 2/23 6:13 PM by Gladeskat

Originally posted by Turk:
His insight here and on his own blog have consistently just been one big negative "Barbie Trantrum". I guess nobody can stop him. Carry on!
This from Turk, Queen of the Barbie Tantrums! I hear Ken is hanging out with GI Joe these days.
Re: Same ol', same ol'

Not to pick nits (OK, actually, I will pick one), but BMac was not a 4*. Scout, ESPN, Rivals and 247 all had him as a solid 3*.

Just shows how flawed rating high school player can be. Bryant is a terrific college player and he's only a freshman.

Originally posted by Gladeskat:

At least my approach sure beats mining negativity. What great things were ever achieved with a negative attitude?

Good. Take your money and invest in some MMA or MDA. Spare us the physical threats and other South Side stupidity.
Hmmmm - I think this country was borne from a pretty negative attitude about the English approach to ruling this land. I think a guy borne around 0 AD expressed some negativity that one of his friends would betray him and a small movement was born. I complained once that I was not paid well enough and was considering another position - and I got a nice bump in pay.

Don't many teams utilize negativity as the drive to surge ahead and prove the world wrong. Does change ever rise from complaints?

Or does the whole world simply fart daisies and miraculously evolve from good words and kindness?

This post was edited on 2/23 6:28 PM by xyzbobxyz

This post was edited on 2/23 6:29 PM by xyzbobxyz
Re: Same ol', same ol'

Can we please wait until our coach improves on a career 27-33 (10-22) record before anointing him a "coaching star" in a conference that features Tom Izzo, Bo Ryan, et al.?

Yes, he's been recruiting well, and yes, he shows promise, but there's a world of difference between that and stardom.
Originally posted by xyzbobxyz:
Originally posted by Gladeskat:

At least my approach sure beats mining negativity. What great things were ever achieved with a negative attitude?

Good. Take your money and invest in some MMA or MDA. Spare us the physical threats and other South Side stupidity.
Hmmmm - I think this country was borne from a pretty negative attitude about the English approach to ruling this land. I think a guy borne around 0 AD expressed some negativity that one of his friends would betray him and a small movement was born. I was complained that I was paid well enough and was considering another position - and I got a nice bump in pay.

Don't many teams utilize negativity as the drive to surge ahead and prove the world wrong. Does change ever rise from complaints?

Or does the whole world simply fart daisies and miraculously evolve from good words and kindness?
Hmmmm - Did the colonists do ANYTHING after throwing the tea in Boston Harbor? Did God Jr. do anything more after being nailed to a cross? Did you do anything besides whine about your low salary? Negativity alone achieves nothing.

Yet here you are again, bitching and moaning about NU athletics. Now you tell us you're putting your wallet away. Now THAT'S doing something! ... What's that you said? You'll be back again to celebrate our victory at Yorktown?...wonderful. But I thought you'd moved to Canada.

This post was edited on 2/23 6:53 PM by Gladeskat
Re: Same ol', same ol'

Originally posted by Styre:
Can we please wait until our coach improves on a career 27-33 (10-22) record before anointing him a "coaching star" in a conference that features Tom Izzo, Bo Ryan, et al.?
Good grief, Styre.

Who in the bloody hell has anointed him "Coaching Star"?

Or or is that just code for "I don't like it when people get excited about Coach Collins!"?
Re: Same ol', same ol'

Originally posted by Walker Fan:
Collins will get it done, unfortunately, some bitter fans are blinded by their bias to notice that NU has a coaching star on the sidelines.
Re: Same ol', same ol'

Ah...I missed that one. one person has called him that. Still think, as many in this thread have pointed out, the extra efforts made by msnow on his piece, as well as Gregory in this thread, to be negative toward the program is ridiculous...
Re: Same ol', same ol'

It's clear the msnow is really bitter and disillusioned...about the same as a lot of people on here were in the midst of that losing streak. Coupled with football, you can get the hyperbole. IMO that post is like 3 weeks old and you pulling it out now was kind of pointless except if the point was to shame a former poster who tended to lean pro-Carmody.

Dunno, who Gregory is, nor do I care...probably shouldn't use people's names if you know them out of respect for privacy unless they've shared with the board or it's part of their screen name, again IMO.
Re: Same ol', same ol'

Originally posted by thewildcat2011:
It's clear the msnow is really bitter and disillusioned...about the same as a lot of people on here were in the midst of that losing streak. Coupled with football, you can get the hyperbole. IMO that post is like 3 weeks old and you pulling it out now was kind of pointless except if the point was to shame a former poster who tended to lean pro-Carmody.
I just came across it today. Pulling it out isn't pointless at all...he says a lot of damning things that have little to do with the losing streak, and goes out of his way to needlessly bash people. As has been pointed out, it reeks of agenda and is incredibly poor form. Why no updates after we've won some games?
Why the hell does anyone care what some character named msnow thinks about the basketball team? I guess Minnesota, Iowa and Penn State should all fold up their tents and go home now since we beat them with a team of mostly frosh and sophomores. Some of the younger guys are starting to figure out what they need to do to play college ball, and the team is playing better. With almost everyone returning next year plus three recruits that seem to be held in high regard coming in next year, I'll bet the team is better. Bar stool insight at its finest.

This post was edited on 2/23 8:27 PM by pawildcat
Re: Same ol', same ol'

Yes, a little bit of a stretch but based on his development of talent, ability to change mid-season, recruiting abilities and keep the team together after a 10 game losing streak and on the same page, it has been an impressive coaching job. I don't remember a NU basketball coach recruiting successfully in season as Collins has just done and is continuing to do.
Eh, in terms of comment 1 - seems to be pretty spot on for that time.

A bit hard on CC tho - yeah, he could have made some adjustments that might have won a couple of those close games and he probably should have gone to the 2-3 zone earlier (as he should have slowed the tempo down on O last yr earlier), but he's still learning.

Certainly not going to come to any sort of conclusion about CC's game management abilities at this juncture (see some good things; some things he can improve upon) - but generally pretty satisfied.

Actually, while it would have been immensely aggravating and not good for recruiting, if the 'Cats had continued to lose but were competitive in just about every game (esp. w/ Cobb still out), would have taken the big picture view (glad it hasb't happened that way, not only for recruiting, but to see the guys and CC have smiles on their faces and having some fun).

In terms of comment 2 - at the time, the saving grace of the 2014 class was BMac, but not every frosh comes in as polished (even BMac needs improvement in certain areas) and it was WAY too early to come to any sort of conclusion.

Don't care about how a class is ranked aside from the positive aspects it has for recruiting, so the fact that the 2015 class is ranked lower doesn't bother me aside from that, esp. since I take more credence in the scuttlebutt.

And based on that, the 2015 class may have more players who can be an immediate impact than the 2014 class.

And missing that Pardon is the heir apparent to Olah is pretty glaring.

This post was edited on 2/24 2:31 AM by Katatonic
Originally posted by FeralFelidae:
How are CC's recruits? Time will tell. However, I like that the team has improved as the season has progressed. BC's teams usually didn't play their best ball near the end of the season (the 2010-2011 season being a notable exception, to be fair).
That's b/c they were usually too banged up and didn't have the depth (too many starters playing too many minutes).
Re: Same ol', same ol'

Originally posted by Walker Fan:
There is no analysis there. The blog is merely one biased fan's perspective who has no clue. Two recruiting classes with three four star recruits (Law, Falzon and McIntosh) and five three star recruits is better than NU has ever done. A sign of a good coach is taking the star players on the other team out defensively and creating an offense that creates open looks and then the players have to hit the shots. In the 10 game losing streak, NU did not hit the open shots and got some unlucky breaks (two missed goal tend calls v. OSU and Law's clean block on Valentine in East Lansing). Collins will get it done, unfortunately, some bitter fans are blinded by their bias to notice that NU has a coaching star on the sidelines.
OK - you are WAY too infatuated with class and star rankings.
Re: Same ol', same ol'

Originally posted by VirginiaWildcat:
Originally posted by Styre:
Can we please wait until our coach improves on a career 27-33 (10-22) record before anointing him a "coaching star" in a conference that features Tom Izzo, Bo Ryan, et al.?
Good grief, Styre.

Who in the bloody hell has anointed him "Coaching Star"?

Or or is that just code for "I don't like it when people get excited about Coach Collins!"?
OK - let's be real here.

There have been some posters here who have fawned over every little thing that CC has done.

Like calling the win over Iowa a statement win (I seem to recall NU BB beating Iowa on a pretty regular basis from the 08-09 to the 11-12 seasons; in fact, beat them 6 times over the course of those 4 seasons).
Originally posted by xyzbobxyz:

Originally posted by realcatfan:
You missed the most offensive line out there: "Phillips, meanwhile, does little other than spin and glad-hand, posing for photo ops and parading veterans out on the courts & fields for easy applause."

Really? It's a bad thing to bring veterans out and give thousands of people an opportunity to say thank you. I used to think winning fixes everything. Now I think that losing breaks everything. Msnow has actually reached the point where he's complaining about bringing veterans on the field. The guy clearly has issues. I hope he doesn't show up to another game because he's obviously not a real cat fan

Neither are you xbobx. Don't waste your money now, and don't waste your money in the 2015-16 seasons when NU is back to bowling and is making a run at the tourney. You don't get to have it both ways.
Here you are wrong. I am the consumer. I can come and go as I please. It's up to the seller to retain me. If you buy Mercedes every year because you are loyal - well, I have another word for it - dumb. I can understand choosing a brand for loyalty if everything else is the same and you need the product.

I don't need to go to games, donate money, follow the teams around the country - but I can. These are luxury items - meaning the seller has to earn my business - I don't require them. But if I change my mind and want the product, they are happy to sell it to me.

For our case, I have demands in return for my money and/or loyalty. Do your best to field quality competitive teams. And I do not think NU as an institution is doing the best they can. I do not think Phillips is nor Fitz. I think there are agendas above fielding competitive teams - some I can agree with (like character and grades), others I cannot (lack of transparency and loyalty over competency). When I see no coaching changes, when I do not see or HEAR anything about improvements to the athletic facilities, when the admin goes quiet in the face of recurring failure, I put my wallet away.

I will definitely see you at NU's first tourney appearance and maybe their next bowl game.
Yes, you are a consumer and can come and go as you please, but you ARE NOT A FAN. Fans support the team no matter what. Your comparison of NU sports to a Mercedes is beyond stupid. Do you really think a good comparison for 20 year olds that work hard on the field, in the classroom, in the community... is a machine that takes you from point A to point B?

Don't donate money, don't go to games, and don't follow the teams around the country. By this point, I'm guessing the team like me would prefer you're not there due to your constant bad mouthing of the program.

So now your argument has turned to say that you don't think Fitz is trying to field a competitive football team? Oh, wait, you said "do your best." Does Fitz seem like a guy that has half-assed anything in his life? I'm sure you'll say he half-assed firing coaches or he's half-assed building a new football. The rest of know that Fitz is not a half-assed type of guy.

Yep, show up at the tourney or the bowl game because everything else isn't good enough for you. The team, is good enough for me. Even better than that. I'm proud that this group of young men represent me as a fan and I hope I can live up to their expectations for me!
Originally posted by realcatfan:

Originally posted by xyzbobxyz:

Originally posted by realcatfan:
You missed the most offensive line out there: "Phillips, meanwhile, does little other than spin and glad-hand, posing for photo ops and parading veterans out on the courts & fields for easy applause."

Really? It's a bad thing to bring veterans out and give thousands of people an opportunity to say thank you. I used to think winning fixes everything. Now I think that losing breaks everything. Msnow has actually reached the point where he's complaining about bringing veterans on the field. The guy clearly has issues. I hope he doesn't show up to another game because he's obviously not a real cat fan

Neither are you xbobx. Don't waste your money now, and don't waste your money in the 2015-16 seasons when NU is back to bowling and is making a run at the tourney. You don't get to have it both ways.
Here you are wrong. I am the consumer. I can come and go as I please. It's up to the seller to retain me. If you buy Mercedes every year because you are loyal - well, I have another word for it - dumb. I can understand choosing a brand for loyalty if everything else is the same and you need the product.

I don't need to go to games, donate money, follow the teams around the country - but I can. These are luxury items - meaning the seller has to earn my business - I don't require them. But if I change my mind and want the product, they are happy to sell it to me.

For our case, I have demands in return for my money and/or loyalty. Do your best to field quality competitive teams. And I do not think NU as an institution is doing the best they can. I do not think Phillips is nor Fitz. I think there are agendas above fielding competitive teams - some I can agree with (like character and grades), others I cannot (lack of transparency and loyalty over competency). When I see no coaching changes, when I do not see or HEAR anything about improvements to the athletic facilities, when the admin goes quiet in the face of recurring failure, I put my wallet away.

I will definitely see you at NU's first tourney appearance and maybe their next bowl game.
Yes, you are a consumer and can come and go as you please, but you ARE NOT A FAN. -- Your definition, not mine. My southside background is well documented - there are those that demand certain criteria to materially support there team. Then there are the fools that blindly support whatever the team tells them to support. I reject your definition of fandom. I support the team with my attention, my interest, some of my time. I will not materially support my team if they are not worthy - NU fball is not, NU athletic admin is not, NU bball is making strides and has my growing support.-- Fans support the team no matter what. Your comparison of NU sports to a Mercedes is beyond stupid. Do you really think a good comparison for 20 year olds that work hard on the field, in the classroom, in the community... is a machine that takes you from point A to point B? So, you think the engineers that work hard and great pride are not worthy of appreciation. The marketing team that brings the information to the consumer. The sales team that makes the deal work. YOU are too infatuated with young boys that PLAY A GAME.

Don't donate money, don't go to games, and don't follow the teams around the country. By this point, I'm guessing the team like me would prefer you're not there due to your constant bad mouthing of the program.

Don't really care what this team, or any 20 year kid, wants. Irrelevant. This was a response to another poster - not something I randomly threw out there.

So now your argument has turned to say that you don't think Fitz is trying to field a competitive football team? Oh, wait, you said "do your best." Does Fitz seem like a guy that has half-assed anything in his life? I'm sure you'll say he half-assed firing coaches or he's half-assed building a new football. The rest of know that Fitz is not a half-assed type of guy.

Correct - I do not think Fitz' top priority is winning. I think misguided loyalty sits above it as demonstrated by his coaching personnel decisions.

Yep, show up at the tourney or the bowl game because everything else isn't good enough for you. The team, is good enough for me. Even better than that. I'm proud that this group of young men represent me as a fan and I hope I can live up to their expectations for me!

Good for you, Mr. Lemming. The Cubs are also always in need of a few more idiots.
Yo Glades, read fast - this thread is probably next on Lou's hit list!!!

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