I'll try answering your absurd questions. (1) Cost It has allowed to witness a Cubs World series win, from first row , aisle seats. (2) I pay zero to park, either from a lot near LSD or take public transportation. BTW, tailgating is not a baseball thing, even though the sox let folks do so and not have to watch the games. (3) has been noted Wrigley Field is far from being the smallest ballpark in the majors, with a capacity o over 41,000. and they have consistently added seats throughout the recent years. (4) Taxpayer Park, yes it's exactly that, initially paid for and by the states taxpayers, with the sox paying 0 or very little back yearly. Won't bother with your Mt.Carmel or ND crap simply because it has nothing to do with this thread. No whining here, just stating facts.