No excuses (& I feel good)


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Gold Member
Aug 22, 2017
So far I've seen from posters here that Creighton made circus shots and that the refs were against NU.

No. NU's starters fought valiantly (BMac and Law looked like bonafide stars), but the defense was not good enough. Too many easy baskets. There's too much drop off when playing the bench for extended minutes. This team is not deep...yet.

But I'm glad they woke up. This is the best I've felt after a game this season. Felt like a real top tier college game, kind of similar to Butler in game 3 last year. Both times NU lost. But the season is far from over.

Regroup and get ready to hit the road. Crush La Salle, and take down Texas Tech.

Go Cats.
I'm kind of with you. The defense was terrible for most of the game, but B-Mac was fantastic, and Law was just as good. They came up short against a good team. I'm not too worried yet, but would like to see better D and a more confident bench. Nobody wins them all, and while NU will probably drop out of the rankings, there's no reason to panic yet.
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I'm kind of with you. The defense was terrible for most of the game, but B-Mac was fantastic, and Law was just as good. They came up short against a good team. I'm not too worried yet, but would like to see better D and a more confident bench. Nobody wins them all, and while NU will probably drop out of the rankings, there's no reason to panic yet.

I agree lack of defense killed us. Team stepped it up in 2nd half with Law and B-Mac leading the way.

However, to me Skelly’s strong performance continues to be a bit of a surprise and the story. Where are the other bigs?
I felt the same. Like this is a really good team that was jump started once they were down by 15. Long road ahead on a neutral court.
Good game, got jobbed at the end, down 3 we saved a ball going out with a minute left but the ref said NU touched the out of according to the replay I saw.

Good solid comeback to be in a position to win. But tipped at the end. Solid team in the other side too
Good game, got jobbed at the end, down 3 we saved a ball going out with a minute left but the ref said NU touched the out of according to the replay I saw.

The TV angle we got was kinda bad because a body blocked the clear view, but I think the ball landed on the line after Law blocked the initial shot, which is where the whistle came. It wasn't for Law's foot being out (which it clearly wasn't).

This was a fun game. Disappointing to lose, but Creighton looks like a very good team, won't be surprised if they're ranked for the rest of the season. Our defense has to get better, and someone has to contribute off the bench. Benson gave us some good minutes but beyond that it's sketchy. I hope Falzon is ready to play soon.
< the defense was not good enough. Too many easy baskets. >

VERY discouraging.

Creighton showed NU the level of play required to rank in the top 25. They lost a starter and it didn't even slow them down. There are a lotta shot makers on Creighton and one of them is a freshman. Hopefully this will be a wake-up call for NU.

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