One year ago, Colter announced union movement

It may have screwed up NU's team chemistry but IMO, half of what has transpired in favor of student athletes wouldn't have happened so quickly with out Colter's spectacle.
Kudos to Kain

I had no idea how much emotion pro and con the word "union" stirs up in people before reading the discussions on this board following Colter's comments one year ago. But while we were arguing and speculating, progress was being made. Progress that despite our disagreements on method, I think most of us favor.

Life is better for college athletes around the country than it was one year ago today. Whatever the NLRB rules regarding unionization, that will always be something for Kain to hang his hat on.
Re: Kudos to Kain

Originally posted by PURPLECAT88:
I had no idea how much emotion pro and con the word "union" stirs up in people before reading the discussions on this board following Colter's comments one year ago.
I think for the most part, the "pro" position only started on this board (from most) being taken because those in the "con" position were being reactionary. I personally have no strong opinion either way on unions, but had to balance out some of the ludicrous stuff spouted by the Anti-Colter Squad.