Optimism enhanced by a negative...


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2005
We won! We beat MSU! Again! So excited for the team and for Coach Collins. I have been one that has been VERY frustrated by our guard play in recent years. As Bardo, Hummel and Katz reiterated, that was dramatically improved last night.

You know what else? To my untrained eyes, we missed a LOT of open looks from behind the arc. Now, our guys are not Steph Curry, so it is not like the ceiling is limitless. But, amidst the win, I thought we left a fair number of points on the court.

Which means, we were getting open looks. That is an unalloyed good. Do y'all agree?
We had open looks against Auburn, but we missed them (shooting 2-for-24 from 3). Would really help if Barnhizer could find his 3-point shot which has been missing in action since Chicago State (confidence?). I like the rest of his game. Glad to see Buie keep going inside more. His 3-point draught in Cancun was baffling but he blows hot and cold from distance. So does Berry, but he is also developing other parts of his game. Not sure there is a "norm" for this team. Every game is an adventure.
I remember going to the B1G tourney game against UNL and seeing the entire warmup. Watching Barnhizer shooting made me believe he had a lot of work to do in order to be a threat from distance.

Last year's numbers kind of confirmed that (18.2% from 3), but the sample size was so small anyway (2-11).

In the beginning of this season he hit a few and I thought I was probably wrong about his shooting, or at least he had improved on it: my own biases of shooting form, while seeing him miss, over and over again, with no opposition, probably gave me the wrong impression.

Now I am back to thinking he's just not a good outside shooter right now. He has a lot of work to do.

I should say that Barnhizer is, though, a very well rounded player that would be a 20+ points guy if he were more athletic. Seeing him against the non conference teams made it apparent how he scored 30 a game in HS. Lots of ways of scoring.
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Open looks are always good! Unfortunately they were due more to MSU execution than to NU’s execution.

As Yogi Berra once said, if you see an open look, take it.
Not true. He really didn’t say everything he said.

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