He gained 43 pounds in one year. Honest mistake my @ss.
Villox is right. You cannot naturally put on 43 pounds of muscle in a year, even 25 pounds is pushing it. As someone who buys tons of pre workouts and supplements, there are things that are banned. It could be as simple as a type of amino acid, or d aspartic acid, or some types of fat burners that still carry ephedra extract. Those bans are silly, supplements can help you get bigger, but in no way shape or form can they make you put on massive muscle. Eating chicken, counting macros and taking 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per body weight still will not make you put on 25 plus pounds of muscle in a year, unless youre a skinny 18 yr old who is growing into his body, thats possible.
Ever go to the gym and see a guy with mediocre legs and huge traps or large rounded shoulders that are out of proportion? Probably on steroids.
Not sure about the testing in college, but if people think that everyone is natural, they are fooling themselves. The NFL has an obvious issue, and I think on a much smaller level college has guys who take it. The bans are strict though, pro hormones (now banned and a mini steroid) were legal until 2015, but were banned in every sport.
As a fitness nut, I have learned a few things over the years. One thing is for certain, no legal supplement will ever put on weight like that.