OT: Michael Porter Jr - Oof

He just had another back surgery. Only caught my attention because I am dealing with lumbar spine issues. They are not conducive to professional athletics (nor beer league stuff like I do).
Sad to hear that. I have my own lower back problems and can't imagine trying to be an elite athlete with that issue.
Could wearing a supportive corset help either of you guys? I had back problems that I was unaware of until the first time I hit a sled at NU. After three rounds on the sled, I was in severe pain and worried that I'd never play again. They fitted me with a corset and my back never bothered me again playing football.
Could wearing a supportive corset help either of you guys? I had back problems that I was unaware of until the first time I hit a sled at NU. After three rounds on the sled, I was in severe pain and worried that I'd never play again. They fitted me with a corset and my back never bothered me again playing football.
My issue is degenerative disc disease, plus arthritis of the facet joints. I had a rhizotomy (basically cauterizing the nerves) at L4-L5 and L5-S1 and that helped a lot. Just hope the nerves don't regenerate.
I already wear a corset, though not for therapeutic purposes. It has lots of lace and pretty flowers.

Seriously, PT has helped immensely with the hip and buttock pain (muscle spasms due to the sciatic nerve being pressured by a bulging disc and lots of arthritic changes), but I still have nerve indications. So my next step will be shots in the lumbar area to (hopefully) flush out inflammation and take pressure off the nerve.

That said, I think my days of flipping truck tires and throwing a 100 lb slam ball are over (it's for sale on CL for a great price!). I just hit 52, so i can live with some simple life style changes to save my back.

But Porter Jr. does not have a good outlook. These injuries do not get better in general. A laminectomy or fusion might buy him some time, but these are not insignificant procedures.
My issue is degenerative disc disease, plus arthritis of the facet joints. I had a rhizotomy (basically cauterizing the nerves) at L4-L5 and L5-S1 and that helped a lot. Just hope the nerves don't regenerate.
I think that they tend to so it is likely you will need the treatment again
Could wearing a supportive corset help either of you guys? I had back problems that I was unaware of until the first time I hit a sled at NU. After three rounds on the sled, I was in severe pain and worried that I'd never play again. They fitted me with a corset and my back never bothered me again playing football.
I had terrible back trouble from my early 20's to my mid 30's spent many weeks on the floor. Couldn't even come to the table to eat. Against all advice I started running at age 34. At age 62 I haven't had much problem since. Sometimes if I over do it, but all I have to do is go for a walk and it goes away. Ran 6.3 miles this morning in 58 minutes. Drs said I had Ankylosing Sponyilitis, maybe my joints just fused up.
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My issue is degenerative disc disease, plus arthritis of the facet joints. I had a rhizotomy (basically cauterizing the nerves) at L4-L5 and L5-S1 and that helped a lot. Just hope the nerves don't regenerate.
I am in the process of publishing an article on this topic. I will post here in a few days. I threw out my back 20 years ago. I do core work, cardio, and don’t lift anything heavier than 10 pounds. Helps,but I still have trouble from time to time from golfing. Thanks
I'm sorry for your back issues. I've been lucky. Aside from back issues (broken transverse processes) my freshman year in college from high jumping in high school, I've had no problems with my back or knees so long as I avoid heavy lifting using my back (squats, deadlift, cleans). I develop shoulder soreness when lifting heavier weights over my head or chest, so that's easy to deal with...don't lift heavy weights. My biggest concern is a nervous like quiver ('the shakes") in my right hand/arm (not noticeable until I eat soup, peas, etc.) from a soft tissue football owie to my thumb. It has gotten worse so that I often have trouble with handwriting and cannot do fine manipulations and illustrate as well as I used to. I need to see a doctor for this.

The northern Everglades has deep peaty soils and was such a boot-sucking hell hole for me at 300+ lbs the few days I sampled there that I would develop inflammation in my knees so bad that I would have trouble walking after a day in the field. It was nothing serious, though, and it would go away quickly. Any lingering issues were cured after my bike trip to Chicago. I highly recommend cycling to anyone with minor knee pain.
My issue is degenerative disc disease, plus arthritis of the facet joints. I had a rhizotomy (basically cauterizing the nerves) at L4-L5 and L5-S1 and that helped a lot. Just hope the nerves don't regenerate.

You should read about neuropathic joints
My issue is degenerative disc disease, plus arthritis of the facet joints. I had a rhizotomy (basically cauterizing the nerves) at L4-L5 and L5-S1 and that helped a lot. Just hope the nerves don't regenerate.

I was the CEO of TranS1, a company that produced an implant called AxiaLIF with a demonstrated 94% fusion rate and a procedure performed on an outpatient basis. I have no skin in the game now (with another company), but if I had an L5-S1 DDD or spondylolysthesis issue, I would be looking at AxiaLIF first.
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I was the CEO of TranS1, a company that produced an implant called AxiaLIF with a demonstrated 94% fusion rate and a procedure performed on an outpatient basis. I have no skin in the game now (with another company), but if I had an L5-S1 DDD or spondylolysthesis issue, I would be looking at AxiaLIF first.
Thanks for the tip.
